Monday, October 12, 2009

Satan Morroc Quest


Base Level: 80
Items: Live Coal × 30, Glacial Heart × 50


Base Experience: 2,000,000
Access to fight Injured Satan Morroc!

1. Speak with one of the Continental Guard at one of the following places and he will ask for your help:
- prontera 164, 304
- payon 200, 113
- alberta 128, 64
- geffen 128, 90
- aldebaran 136, 129

Reduced: 79% of original size [ 801 x 421 ] - Click to view full image

2. At the destroyed Morocc city, talk to the Continental Officer (176, 103), and state that you want to volunteer.
He will send you to Chief Balrog.

3. Chief Balrog is slightly to the left in Morroc (159, 113).

Tell him that you want to join the Continental Guard.

He'll keep telling you no, but you must persist.

Eventually, he'll ask you to bring him 30 Live Coal followed by 50 Glacial Heart.

Once you harrassed him long enough and give him the items, you recieve a Continental Guard Paper.

4. Leave Morroc through the East exit (3 o'clock portal in town) to moc_fild20.

Talk to the Continental Guard (38, 174), and choose "Enter the field to investigate".

You must be in a party of 2 or more people.
They do not have to be with you and are not warped with you.

5. Head for the big hole in the middle and talk to the Time Space Gap (Group of Evil)

@ (moc_fild21 171, 227).

6. Satan Morocc must now be defeated!

The Time space gap changes once this is done.

Additional Rewards

Each party member must click on it to receive Skin of Morocc.
Return to Chief Balrog to exchange the skin for an item.

How to record your game

I. the Program

If you want to record something, you have many programs to do that. I advise you to use Fraps

II. How to use

Install it where you want and open it. you have to see that:

Open it. you see this:

Go to movie tab:

Now, you have to select one key who will start and stop the recording.
the fps is the future quality of the video, but warning, if you chose an high FPS, your video, even short, will be very very heavy.

After, you choose where you want to save your movie.

PS: when you recording YOU HAVE TO PLAY IN FULL SCREEN MODE otherwise you cant record anything.

Means to know if you'r recording or not:

if you click in F12, you can see that:

if you click again, he can change his place,
if you click again, he can go.

when the number is yellow, this means you are not recording at this time.

when the number his red, this means you are recording at this moment.

The number correspond at you capacity when you are recording. when you're recording, the lesser the number means the more lag your game will become. So, if your number is close to zero, better not record anymore because it will only cause you to lag so much.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to make RO work Faster, Fixing Lag issues

For some time now, there have been some videos floating around on several sites of players from Japan that have partly solved one of the big issues RO has: the general tendancy for monsters and players to appear in places other than where they are when being damaged.

This is what your RO probably looks like right now:

This is caused by a TCP/IP feature used in windows by default known as the Nagle Algorithm. This feature allows windows to delay the transmission of TCP packets in order to save bandwidth by grouping packets into a single transmission. This can cause the aknowledgment of a TCP transmission to be delayed by up to 200 ms, by default.

In RO, the game server does not send the client certain information (such as movement of monsters or players) untill the previous transmission has been aknowledged by your client, among other similar issues. By disabling the windows feature that allows this, your RO should look more like this:

Disabling this option is a very simple process, and completly legitment as it is modification only of your own operating system. Do note that in theory, doing this could cause other network related programs to function less well, but I have not had any issues with it, and it is an easily reversable process.

The following method is for XP Pro SP 2 or later. This works with Vista SP 1 or later as well, but has a slightly difference process for step 1 which was posted by Artimus here.

Step 1: Install Microsoft Message Queuing

Open your window's Add/Remove programs and select Add/Remove Window's Components

From here, find Message Queuing and ensure it is installed. This service is necessary to change the default window settings.

Step 2: Set TcpAckFrequency

Open your registry by running regedt32 and find the key:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Param eters\Interfaces\\

You can determine which Adapter ID is the correct one by looking for your IP Address listed on the right pane.

In the correct Adapter, add the DWord TcpAckFrequency and set the value equal to 1.

(How to add a new registry value:)

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 989x467.

Now browse to the registry key:

Add a DWord TcpNoDelay and set the value equal to 1.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 989x467.

Step 3: Restart MSMQ services

Now that the correct registry settings have been made, you have to restart the services controlling these settings (or reboot your computer)

To restart the services, run services.msc and browse to the Message Queuing service. Select it, and hit the restart service button.

At this point everything should be set correctly and you should be able to enjoy a slightly more responsive in game experience.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Overlong yet Overuseful Stalker guide by Ebis


Night’s Fallen Angel


- 7/2/08
Started Guide
Started F.A.Q
Started and Completed Introduction
Started and Completed Training Section
Reposted and Editted Skills Section
Added Note on Navigation

Started Builds

Picked up Guide
Finished Builds Section

Finished PvP/WoE sections.

Completed v1
Posting Allowed

Colors added to do list


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. So, Ebis, what took this guide so long to start. You've been saying you were going to do this guide for a while now.

A. Oh... yea ... about that. Long story really. Ok, not really. Laziness.

Q. Is it Ebis with a long e or a short e?

A. Don't really care. I made it with the intention of pronouncing it with a long e but ehbis has a nice ring to it too.

Q. Why don't you ever suggest people to copy level 10 Waterball from Drake?

A. Because a patch a while ago (and I mean a WHILE ago) fixed that. Copied spells are now ALL capped at their normal caps for players. Waterball possibly bypassed this because the script just capped all skills over level 10 to level 10 (that's just my guess, I never got around to reading the old code for it). For all those who didn't know, the player cap for waterball is level 5.

Q. Can I trust you as a credible source for Stalkers?

A. I guess... In my opinion, I know enough to help people out enough.

Q. I noticed the guide changed from a light overview of Stalkers to a Comprehensive Guide. What's the diff?

A. This one will include most of the info from the first one but will also go more into depth with pvp, builds, WoE and such. I hope to teach and learn strategies that some experienced players may or may have not known.


Stalkers. What are they? They're a class based on a unique philosophy. Of course, RO tends to ****** up and walk off their original themes. SinXs left the poison abusing, glass cannon ages ago.

RO is about having fun and for the Stalker, it's something you should keep in mind. Having a reputation for being one of the most funnest classes to play, you should take advantage of that. It's one of the few classes that don't involve spamming one skill over and over in pvp.

Stalkers are one of the most, if not the most, versatile classes. Not only can they specialize in many things, they can also switch between those jobs rather easily. In short, they're RO's closest thing to a jack of all trades.


  • [goto=00]Before Making Your Character[/goto]- 00
  • [goto=01]Level 1- 12 or Jlevel 1 - 10[/goto] – 01
  • [goto=02]Level 12 - 30[/goto] – 02
  • [goto=03]Level 30 - 50[/goto] – 03
  • [goto=04]Level 50 + or Jlevel 30 - 50[/goto] – 04
  • [goto=05]Level 65 and beyond[/goto] – 05
  • [goto=06]Rebirth- Just another run through[/goto] – 06

    [anchor=00][ 00 ] Before Making Your Character[/anchor]

    Decide on a build. This step assumes that you have some basic knowledge of RO and about the Stalker class. If not, you can skip this section and move onto builds before coming back to this section once you have decided.

    The build you choose won't really affect your training too much though a good solid idea of what you want will allow you to get the most out of your training(gear, experiance).

    When you have decided, make a novice:

    Str 9
    Agi 9
    Vit 1
    Int 1
    Dex 9
    Luk 1

    Regardless of how you want to train, this gives you the stats needed if you're just starting RO or a new server with no gear.

    [anchor=01][ 01 ] Level 1- 12 or Jlevel 1 - 10 [/anchor]

    Once you end up in Novice Isle, just go through the tutorial. Don't forget to talk to Shion twice to get an extra level. Feel free to die at fabre forest for the extra Novice Pots, though you shouldn't need it. Once you're jlevel 10, head off and find your way to Prontera (unless you don’t have a job changer) once you're warped to Rune Midgard.

    Find the job changer, change to Thief, select yes and there we go. If there is none on your server, here’s a really short guide to it.

    Thief Quest

    Go to Morocc. Walk to the portal northwest of the town (that’s top left). You will find yourself on the pyramids map. Walk to the pyramids. Make sure you have your novice pops hot keyed. If possible, get a tank because there’s a good chance you’ll be swarmed by familiars. The thief guild is near the entrance in the bottom right sector near the middle.

    Once you get in, walk down the corridor and turn to the room on your left. Talk the thief guide person and start the quest. Walk out of pyramids. Look at your mini map, there should be an area on the bottom right with some trees and a horizontal bar. In that area is the npc for the quest. Talk to Mr. Irrelevant and he will warp you to a map. Kill mushrooms, all monsters are aggro except for Spores. Kill only what you have to. 1 Mushroom is worth 3 and the other kind is worth 1. 5-6 should be enough points for it. Once you have obtained the mushrooms, exit the map and return the thief guild. Talk the npc and you will become a thief.


    If you're training normally, you should be focusing on str and agi, mostly str since you level quickly and have pots at your disposal. If you're planning on using a bow, just up dex, the 9 agi and str will supplement till your bow becomes useful.

    [anchor=02][ 02 ] Level 12 - 30 [/anchor]

    Culverts seems to be popular. I suggest Payon Dungeon. The first few kills will be difficult but it gets easier as soon as you gain momentum. Why Payon Dungeon? Decent exp, concentration potions and Opals NPC for 3k.

    Statwise you should up agi and str, more towards agi once you have enough str. I like to keep my stats at this point around a 2:3 ratio. Once your str hits around 20 and your agi hits around 30 (this is pretty early on actually), up your dex until it's up to 20.

    Bow builds should still be upping dex. This part will be painful since you're still using a dagger. Somewhere in the middle once you have around 40ish dex you should have enough opals to buy yourself a composite and some silver arrows.

    [anchor=03][ 03 ] Level 30 - 50 [/anchor]

    At this time, your training paths will start to differ greatly.

    Dagger thieves should progress to either payon dungeon 2 (pay_dun01) or wolves (two maps south of payon). I suggest wolves, it's less dying and it's great exp. Another popular alternative are metalings (one up from lighthazen).

    Statwise, get your dex to around 30 or so, as long as you don't ever miss and continue with your str and agi upping pattern. You should also be investing in a better dagger.

    Bow thieves are still having it tough at this stage. If you're using a bow, you're still a bit weak to handle anything big. I would do metalings. Just shoot and run and repeat. It's a bit slow at first until you start doing decent damage. Statwise, I would suggest just continuing with raising dex.

    [anchor=04][ 04 ] Level 50 + or Jlevel 30 - 50 [/anchor]

    Dagger thieves should move onto Metalings if they haven't. It's pure grind at this point and ooh is it painful. Keep up the str and agi and just be patient.

    Bow thieves, this is the point where it finally pays off. Ok not really. You have enough damage to kill plants at this point (outside of ice dun or one up of einbroch) but it takes time. I suggest hunting some red bloods and asking someone to craft them into fire arrows. Also, if you have money ( if you just started the server, you won't) go buy a hybrid gakkung bow. It helps a lot and you're going to be using it later possibly. Though agi at this point will be tempting, don't bother. Get dex up to 90 at least.

    Note: I don't advise getting to jlevel 50 if you don't train slow. There's really no point, you don't need envenom at all when you're training and steal past level 5 is also a luxury. This is only if you plan on rushing trans.

    Once you're ready to job change, find the Job Changer again and select Rogue. Here’s a guide for the quest if you don’t have a job changer.

    Walk to the rogue guild in Pharos Lighthouse. That’s 2 down, 2 left from Morocc. I believe that’s the shortest path. The Rogue guild is on the bottom peninsula. Walk down the stairs and walk to the basement of the guild. Talk to the rogue guide for a test. Once you pass that, you will have to talk to the treasurer, so make your way upstairs again and talk to the treasurer. He’ll make you hunt some easy items and some money. Do that and return back. Then you will be sent to one of a few locations. It’s a house for all of them with a password needed to enter. The password is given to you by the treasurer so pay attention. Once you get into the house, talk to the npc in it and you will be warped to a dungeon. You have to run through it without dying. Don’t bother killing or hiding, just stick to a wall and run past it. Pots would be helpful but it’s easy enough to do without.
    Once you return, go back to the guide and you will become a rogue.


    [anchor=05][ 05 ] Level 60 + and beyond [/anchor]

    Beyond this level, you'll be spending a lot of levels at one place, so I'm compacting it.

    Note: Strip is NOT a training skill. There's no point in getting it, it's a waste of skill points if you're not going to spend A LOT of time in pvp. If you’re a stalker and resets don’t exist/aren’t cheap you should get it after plagerize at least.

    Dagger Rogues should kill a few metalings for the jlevels and move on to Minourous or anywhere a two handed agi knight would train.

    Bow Rogues should head to Lou Yang and kill mi gaos. By now you should have 90+ dex so start putting into agi. You'll see that you won't need much to dodge mantis which are the only thing you really need to dodge.

    Get Plagerize ASAP. It's more important than most skills save Vulture's Eye and DS if you're using a bow.

    Once you have plagerize, get Trifecta as soon as possible. This stacks with double attack or a hybrid bow and will increase your DPS dramatically. It also lets you train at seals with ease if you're using a bow. Dagger Rogues may take higher agi to do this.

    Once you have plagerize, you should also consider resetting to a trap build (int and dex) and copying claymore. If you can’t reset, don’t worry, claymore doesn’t depend on int and dex a lot. You still want some flee though. From here, you can mob Stalactics (one map above Comodo). You can obtain the skill claymore trap by going to einbech dungeon. Pitman lay claymore level 5s.

    I suggest that Dagger Rogues reset to trap or bow and from my experiance, claymore mobbing is faster for training compared to bow. If you can’t reset, I suggest using claymore mobbing. Bow Rogues should train where snipers train ( this includes thor though I suggest a party for this). Trap Rogues should train at Rachel Sanctuary until 99. If you don't know how to do this, look up some youtube videos. It helps.

    Another way to train (though I don't really suggest it as a Rogue and definately not if youre below level 90) is Anubis. Get an Evil Druid and copy TU. Reset to a TU build (generally, since Rogues get a flee bonus, you should replace dex with agi). I don't really suggest this as a Rogue because many mobs there have skills that can easily replace your TU which makes it a burden.

    [anchor=06][ 06 ] Rebirth - Just another run through [/anchor]

    Rebirthing is the same thing as doing what you did all over again except you need 3x more exp. It's painful but it's worth it. Simply do what you did as a non-trans. For stalkers, I still suggest getting Plagerize ASAP. Training will still be the same except now with Preserve, you won't be dealing with annoying monsters that replace your plagerized skill. This means Anubis is now a very good way to train aside from Thor and Rachel. Anubis in my opinion is the fastest way to train a stalker. I used my normal WoE/PvP build to do this. 30 – 40 agi is enough to dodge mostly everything in sphinx 4, ED and flee means you will hardly get damaged. Your high dex makes it easy to kill anubis fast and in my experience, stalkers TU anubis faster than priests.



Double Attack (Skill ID# 48)
Type: Passive Max Level: 10
Required For: Advanced Katar Research (L5 Assassin Cross), Soul Breaker (L5 Assassin Cross).
Effect: Gives chance to double swing a Dagger class weapon with a chance equal to 5%*SkillLV, and adds +1 HIT per SkillLV (that only applies in double attacks). In the case of an Assassin wielding two Dagger class weapons, it applies to the right-hand weapon only. It also boosts the off-hand (left hand) damage of a Katar weapon by 1%+2%*SkillLV ATK.
Level Description
1 5% Chance, +1 HIT, +3% Katar DMG
2 10% Chance, +2 HIT, +5% Katar DMG
3 15% Chance, +3 HIT, +7% Katar DMG
4 20% Chance, +4 HIT, +9% Katar DMG
5 25% Chance, +5 HIT, +11% Katar DMG
6 30% Chance, +6 HIT, +13% Katar DMG
7 35% Chance, +7 HIT, +15% Katar DMG
8 40% Chance, +8 HIT, +17% Katar DMG
9 45% Chance, +9 HIT, +19% Katar DMG
10 50% Chance, +10 HIT, +21% Katar DMG

Comment: Very useful. A must for Dagger stalkers and stalkers in general. Seeing as you can get all skills of the thief except one skill has to be left at level 8, this is something most people get anyways. It helps training a lot when you have a sidewinder bow. (Yes, the double attack chance is at 50% when you’re using a sidewinder bow.)

Increase Dodge (Skill ID# 49) iRO Name: Improve Dodge
Type: Passive Max Level: 10
Effect: Increases Flee Rate by +3*SkillLV. This skill boosts the walking speed for Assassins by 1% per SkillLV and gives an additional +1 Flee Rate per SkillLV when you are an Assassin or Rogue. The walking speed bonus does not add to the walking speed increase when using Cloaking.
Level Description
1 Flee Rate +3 (2nd class Flee Rate +4)
2 Flee Rate +6 (2nd class Flee Rate +8)
3 Flee Rate +9 (2nd class Flee Rate +12)
4 Flee Rate +12 (2nd class Flee Rate +16)
5 Flee Rate +15 (2nd class Flee Rate +20)
6 Flee Rate +18 (2nd class Flee Rate +24)
7 Flee Rate +21 (2nd class Flee Rate +28)
8 Flee Rate +24 (2nd class Flee Rate +32)
9 Flee Rate +27 (2nd class Flee Rate +36)
10 Flee Rate +30 (2nd class Flee Rate +40)

Comment: Probably the most useful thief skill in pvp after Hide. It’s just… great. This is the difference between an Agi stalker and any other agi class. +40 flee + mocking is really good flee. Could compensate for the lack of agi when training.

Steal (Skill ID# 50)
Type: Active Max Level: 10
Required For: Hiding (L5), Snatcher (L1 Rogue)
SP Cost: 10
Target: 1 Monster (non-MVP) Range: 1 cell
Cast Time: Instant After Cast Delay: 1 sec
Effect: Attempts to "steal" an item from the targeted monster. Only items dropped by the monster can be stolen. A successful Steal attempt will not affect what is dropped when the monster dies. After success, it is not possible to Steal again from the same monster. Boss monsters and those affected by the Frozen and Stone Curse effects cannot be stolen from. The formula for stealing is believed to be: DropRatio*(4 + 6*SkillLV + DEX - MonsterDEX)/100 where DropRatio is the percent chance of a particular item being dropped. If the result of the steal check is lower than the AdjustedDropRatio for an item, then it is possible that item will be stolen. Does not work on Bosses and Mini-Bosses.
Level Description
1 Success Chance 10%
2 Success Chance 16%
3 Success Chance 22%
4 Success Chance 28%
5 Success Chance 34%
6 Success Chance 40%
7 Success Chance 46%
8 Success Chance 52%
9 Success Chance 58%
10 Success Chance 64%

Comment: Useful, especially after ganking. Not so much late game since you can probably find ways to get items. Leave at level 8.

Hiding (Skill ID# 51)
Type: Active Max Level: 10
Requirements: Steal Level 5
Required For: Cloaking (L2 Assassin), Tunnel Drive (L1 Rogue), Chase Walk (L5 Stalker)
SP Cost: 10 + see below
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant After Cast Delay: 1 sec
Duration: 30*SkillLV sec
Effect: Toggles the hide effect on the character on/off. Toggling the hide effect off consumes no SP. Hidden characters cannot move, attack or use any skill (except certain Rogue skills) and do not regenerate HP or SP. The hide effect makes a character invisible to other players and monsters. This stops skills and spells that are targeted at you from working (those with casting times fail) and anything attacking you stops (assuming that their last hit doesn't hit you and reveal you!). Area effect skills and spells can't hit you (except Heaven's Drive). Insects, Demons and Boss monsters are not affected by the hide effect. If you get hit by anything while hiding, you will be revealed. Improve Concentration, Ruwach, Detecting and Sight are all capable of revealing hidden characters. Consumes 10 SP for casting and continually drains certain amount of SP while hiding.
Level Description
1 30 Seconds, SP 1 / 5sec
2 60 Seconds, SP 1 / 6sec
3 90 Seconds, SP 1 / 7sec
4 120 Seconds, SP 1 / 8sec
5 150 Seconds, SP 1 / 9sec
6 180 Seconds, SP 1 / 10sec
7 210 Seconds, SP 1 / 11sec
8 240 Seconds, SP 1 / 12sec
9 270 Seconds, SP 1 / 13sec
10 300 Seconds, SP 1 / 14sec

Comment : Crazy good. The art of being a stalker is partly mastering hide. Use hide to dodge spells ( especially non-insta asuras). Also, with tunnel drive, use hide to stall pvp matches.

Envenom (Skill ID# 52)
Type: Offensive Max Level: 10
Required For: Detoxify (L3), Enchant Poison (L1 Assassin), Soul Breaker (L5 Assassin Cross), Create Deadly Poison (L10 Assassin Cross).
SP Cost: 12
Target: 1 Enemy Range: 2 cells
Attack Type: Poison Property
Cast Time: Instant After Cast Delay: 1 sec
Effect: An attack that adds 15*SkillLV to your ATK (unmodified by Armor and VIT Def) to your normal damage. This bonus damage is always inflicted, whether your character lands a normal hit or not. Envenom has a 10%+4%*SkillLV chance to inflict poison status on target. Poisoned targets have their DEF reduced by 25% and lose 3% of Maximum HP every 3 seconds unless that would cause HP to drop below 25% of Maximum HP. The entire screen turns purple for the poisoned individual. Undead and Bosses cannot be poisoned.
Level Description
1 +15 ATK
2 +30 ATK
3 +45 ATK
4 +60 ATK
5 +75 ATK
6 +90 ATK
7 +105 ATK
8 +120 ATK
9 +135 ATK
10 +150 ATK

Comment: It seems pointless in pvp at first but it’s another useful skill. In case you’re stripped or if you have a bow and they’re using pneuma. It’s very good with a status weapon. Gets you out of tight places, worth maxing.

Detoxify (Skill ID# 53)
Type: Active Max Level: 1
Requirements: Envenom Level 3
Required For: Create Deadly Poison (Assassin Cross)
SP Cost: 10
Target: 1 Player Range: 9 cells
Attack Type: Poison Property
Cast Time: Instant After Cast Delay: 1 sec
Effect: Cures poison status on target.

Comment : Grendel once said “I don’t know why most stalkers skip detoxify.” It’s true, there’s no reason to. Sure you rarely get poisoned but still. Stalkers have envenom, SinXes have venom knives. Might as well get it to be safe. Also useful when a party member gets poisoned.

Sand Attack - Quest Skill (Skill ID# 149) kRO Name: Sprinkle Sand
Type: Offensive Max Level: 1
SP Cost: 9
Target: 1 Enemy Range: 1 cell
Attack Type: Earth Physical
Cast Time: Instant
Effect: An attack with 130% normal ATK and with a 20% chance to cause blind effect. Although it has no Cast Time or Cool Down it can't be spamed.
Can be learnt from: Thief Platinum Skills Quests

Comment: It's not as useless as I once thought. Sprinkle Sand is a for fun skill still, at least most of the time. It’s for when you want to spam with a Status bow really quickly but they're wearing ED and you're just playing around so you don't want to DS or Full Strip. It also inflicts blind which helps sometimes. Besides that, it CAN miss so I generally use it as a backup for when Envenom fails. A note is that it can be used on a person in hide but you require a maya purple to target the person.

Back Sliding - Quest Skill (Skill ID# 150) iRO Name: Back Slide
Type: Active Max Level: 1
SP Cost: 7
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant After Cast Delay: 0.5 sec
Effect: Moves you backwards 5 cells (depends on the direction you are facing).
Can be learnt from: Thief Platinum Skills Quests

Comment: I lied about hide being the most useful skill. This is. It was so good it had to be nerfed =/. But it’s still good. Gets you out of tight spaces. If your play style is more fluid and requires room, this is your best friend. Backslide depends on ASPD last time I checked so if you're wearing a bow, switch to dagger + shield before you backslide if you plan on spamming it.

Pick Stone - Quest Skill (Skill ID# 151) iRO Name: Find Stone
Type: Active Max Level: 1
SP Cost: 2
Cast Time: 0.5 sec
Required State: Requires to be less than 50% weight
Effect: Adds one Stone item to your inventory. Will not work if you are overweight (more than 50% of total weight capacity).
Can be learnt from: Thief Platinum Skills Quests

Comment: A fun skill. Good when you’re luring mobs.

Throw Stone - Quest Skill (Skill ID# 152) iRO Name: Stone Fling
Type: Offensive Max Level: 1
SP Cost: 2
Target: 1 Enemy Range: 7 cells
Attack Type: Neutral, Long Range, Physical
Cast Time: Instant After Cast Delay: 0.1 sec
Item Required: 1 Stone
Effect: An attack that always does 50 points of damage (but does not ignore damage reduction cards) and has a 3% chance of causing the stun effect on the target. Consumes one stone per use. Useful for luring monsters link monsters away from a pack and other such sneaky thief-like tricks.
Can be learnt from: Thief Platinum Skills Quests
Comment: Same as above.


Sword Mastery (Skill ID# 2)
Type: Passive Max Level: 10
Required For: Two-Handed Sword Mastery (L1 Swordman)
Effect: Increases damage with Daggers and Swords (1-handed only) by 4*SkillLV. This damage ignores modification from Armor and VIT defense, but not from Elemental and Card modifiers and applies to all hits for multi hit attacks.
Level Description
1 ATK +4
2 ATK +8
3 ATK +12
4 ATK +16
5 ATK +20
6 ATK +24
7 ATK +28
8 ATK +32
9 ATK +36
10 ATK +40

Comments: A basic skill for sword/ dagger rogues. It's not a necessity, it's just useful.

Vulture's Eye (Skill ID# 44)
Type: Passive Max Level: 10
Required For: Improve Concentration (L1), Double Strafing (L10 Rogue), Falcon Assault (L5 Sniper), True Sight (L10 Sniper).
Effect: Increases range with bows by 1*SkillLV cells and increases HIT by 1 per SkillLV.
Level Description
1 Range and HIT +1
2 Range and HIT +2
3 Range and HIT +3
4 Range and HIT +4
5 Range and HIT +5
6 Range and HIT +6
7 Range and HIT +7
8 Range and HIT +8
9 Range and HIT +9
10 Range and HIT +10

Comments: A basic skill for bow rogues.

Double Strafing (Skill ID# 46) iRO Name: Double Strafe
Type: Offensive Max Level: 10
Requirements: Vulture's Eye Level 10
Required For: Arrow Shower (L5 Archer), Beast Strafing (L10 Hunter -SoulLinked), Remove Trap (L5 Rogue), Sharp Shooting (L5 Sniper).
SP Cost: 12
Target: 1 Enemy Range: 9 + Vulture's Eye SkillLV cells
Cast Time: Instant After Cast Delay: 0.1 sec
Required Weapon Class: Bow
Ammunition Required: 1 Arrow
Effect: Ranged attack, that fires two arrows and hits with an ATK of 180% + 20%*SkillLV. Requires an equipped bow. Only 1 arrow is consumed.
Level Description
1 200% Damage
2 220% Damage
3 240% Damage
4 260% Damage
5 280% Damage
6 300% Damage
7 320% Damage
8 340% Damage
9 360% Damage
10 380% Damage

Comments: If you’re a bow rogue, this is your main way of damaging. Backstab damage using bows is halved so really this is the only skill you’ll be using to deal real damage. This outdoes melee classes with an increased range.

Remove Trap (Skill ID# 124)
Type: Active Max Level: 1
Requirements: Double Strafing Level 5
Required For: Spring Trap, Talkie Box
SP Cost: 5
Target: 1 Trap Range: 2 cells
Cast Time: Instant
Effect: Turns one set trap back into a Trap item. Can be used with an Ankle Snare that has already caught a target, but in this case you will not get a Trap item. Only works with your own traps.

Comments: A popularized skill of the strip shield build. I’ll go into it later.

Snatcher (Skill ID# 210) iRO Name: Gank
Type: Passive Max Level: 10
Requirements: Steal Level 1
Required For: Steal Coin (L4)
Target: Enemy
Effect: Steals from the enemy while attacking normally. Steal success chance is based on the Thief Steal Skill.
Level Description
1 7% Chance of Auto Steal
2 8% Chance of Auto Steal
3 10% Chance of Auto Steal
4 11% Chance of Auto Steal
5 13% Chance of Auto Steal
6 14% Chance of Auto Steal
7 16% Chance of Auto Steal
8 17% Chance of Auto Steal
9 19% Chance of Auto Steal
10 20% Chance of Auto Steal

Comment: An important pre-req. Unless you have extra skill points I wouldn’t recommend getting this beyond level 4.

Steal Coin (Skill ID# 211) iRO Name: Mug
Type: Active Max Level: 10
Requirements: Snatcher Level 4
Required For: Strip Helm (L2), Back Stab (L4)
SP Cost: 15
Target: Monster Range: 1 cell
Cast Time: Instant
Effect: Steals Zeny from a monster, affected by DEX, LUK, and SkillLV, amount stolen is based on monsters level. Can only be used to steal Zeny once, however it is possible to steal zeny from monsters that the user stole items before. 1*SkillLV% chance to steal.

Comment: Pre-req

Back Stab (Skill ID# 212)
Type: Offensive Max Level: 10
Requirements: Steal Coin Level 4
Required For: Raid (L2), Intimidate (L4)
SP Cost: 16
Target: Enemy Range: 1 cell (even with bow!)
Cast Time: Instant
Effect: Powerful attack that can only be used from behind the enemy. Cannot miss and will turn the target to face the caster, thus preventing repeated use. Damage is 320%+40%*SkillLV ATK (halved if used with a bow type weapon).
Level Description
1 340% ATK
2 380% ATK
3 420% ATK
4 460% ATK
5 500% ATK
6 540% ATK
7 580% ATK
8 620% ATK
9 660% ATK
10 700% ATK

Comment: Decent damage. Many sword rogues have done insane damage with this skill. Lack of spammability but heck, whatever. Damage is halfed when used with bow. For those of you that are mathematically retarded, that’s 350% meaning you’re better off with DS’s 380%. A thing to keep in mind though, raid can miss but backstab doesn't. If you're using a hide guerilla strategy against a flee ******, use this whenever possible in place of raid.

Tunnel Drive (Skill ID# 213) iRO Name: Stalk
Type: Passive Max Level: 5
Requirements: Hiding Level 1
Required For: Raid (L2), Chase Walk (L3 Stalker)
SP Cost: Hide dependant
Effect: Upgrades the Hide skill to allow slow movement while hiding. Not restricted to walls like the Assassins Cloaking Skill.
Level Movement Speed
1 26%
2 32%
3 38%
4 44%
5 50%

Comment: Useful. Worth maxing. If not maxed, leave it at level 3 for chase walk.

Raid (Skill ID# 214) iRO Name: Sightless Mind
Type: Offensive Max Level: 5
Requirements: Back Stab Level 2, Tunnel Drive Level 2
Required For: Intimidate (L5)
SP Cost: 20
Target: Enemy Range: Weapon Range
Attack Type: [Splash Damage, 1 cells]
Cast Time: Instant
Required State: Requires Hiding skill activated
Effect: Attacks a target and the 3*3 cells below it with a chance to Stun and Blind. Rogue must be hiding to use this skill. Damage is 100%+40%*SkillLV ATK. Chance to Stun/Blind is 10%+SkillLV*3.
Level Description
1 140% Attack, 13% Chance
2 180% Attack, 16% Chance
3 220% Attack, 19% Chance
4 260% Attack, 22% Chance
5 300% Attack, 25% Chance

Comments: It’s decent damage. Small AoE but the only AoE you’ll have without Plagiarize. Use this to reveal chase walked and cloaked characters. I kept mine at level 1 since I didn’t bother getting Plagiarize. The statuses on this thing is nice too actually.

Strip Weapon (Skill ID# 215) iRO Name: Divest Weapon
Type: Active Max Level: 5
Requirements: Strip Armor Level 5
Required For: Reject Sword (L1 Stalker), Full Strip (L5 Stalker)
SP Cost: 15 + SkillLV*2
Target: Enemy Range: 1 cell
Cast Time: 1 sec After Cast Delay: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped weapon off player and prevents a reequip of ANY weapon for a certain time. On monster: reduces Attack by 25% for skill's duration. Chemical Protection avoids this skill. Success Chance 10%+SkillLV*2%.
Level Description
1 7% Chance
2 9% Chance
3 11% Chance
4 13% Chance
5 15% Chance

Comments: See Below

Strip Shield (Skill ID# 216) iRO Name: Divest Shield
Type: Active Max Level: 5
Requirements: Strip Helm Level 5
Required For: Gangster's Paradise (L3), Strip Armor (L5), Full Strip (L5 Stalker)
SP Cost: 10 + SkillLV*2
Target: Enemy Range: 1 cell
Cast Time: 1 sec After Cast Delay: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped shield off player and prevents a reequip of ANY shield for a certain time. On monster: Reduces DEF by 15% for skill's duration. Chemical Protection avoids this skill. Success Chance 10%+SkillLV*2%.
Level Description
1 7% Chance
2 9% Chance
3 11% Chance
4 13% Chance
5 15% Chance

Comments: See Below

Strip Armor (Skill ID# 217) iRO Name: Divest Armor
Type: Active Max Level: 5
Requirements: Strip Shield Level 5
Required For: Strip Weapon (L5), Full Strip (L5 Stalker)
SP Cost: 15 + SkillLV*2
Target: Enemy Range: 1 cell
Cast Time: 1 sec After Cast Delay: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped armor off player and prevents a reequip of ANY armor for a certain time. On monster: Reduces VIT by 40% for skill's duration. Chemical Protection avoids this skill. Success Chance 10%+SkillLV*2%.
Level Description
1 7% Chance
2 9% Chance
3 11% Chance
4 13% Chance
5 15% Chance

Comments: See Below

Strip Helm (Skill ID# 218) iRO Name: Divest Helm
Type: Active Max Level: 5
Requirements: Steal Coin Level 2
Required For: Strip Shield (L5), Full Strip (L5 Stalker)
SP Cost: 10 + SkillLV*2
Target: Enemy Range: 1 cell
Cast Time: 1 sec After Cast Delay: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped helm off player and prevents a reequip of ANY helm for a certain time. On monster: Reduces INT by 40% for skill's duration. Chemical Protection avoids this skill. Success Chance 10%+SkillLV*2%.
Level Description
1 7% Chance
2 9% Chance
3 11% Chance
4 13% Chance
5 15% Chance

Comments: Strip Skills in general : A very very nice skill. Trade mark rogue skill. Yea.

Intimidate (Skill ID# 219) iRO Name: Snatch
Type: Active Max Level: 5
Requirements: Back Stab Level 4, Raid Level 5
Required For: Plagiarism (L5)
SP Cost: 10 + SkillLV*3
Target: Enemy Range: 1 cell
Cast Time: Instant
Effect: This skill teleports you and the target to a random area on the same map and attacks the target. Does not work with Bosses. Damage is 100%+30%*SkillLV.
Level Description
1 130% ATK
2 160% ATK
3 190% ATK
4 220% ATK
5 250% ATK

Comments: No point in getting it for the damage, it’s good if you’re cheap and don’t want to use fwings. Also, in team pvp, Intimidate the priest or the tank for fun. This leaves the other team without a vital member for a few seconds (this can turn the tide in any battle).

Graffiti (Skill ID# 220) iRO Name: Scribble
Type: Active Max Level: 1
SP Cost: 15
Target: Area Range: 1 cell
Cast Time: Instant
Duration: 30 sec
Item Required: 1 Red Gemstone
Effect: Creates a user defined text message on the ground.

Comments: For fun skill that’s not used enough. I regret not having enough skill points for this.

Gangster's Paradise (Skill ID# 223) iRO Name: Slyness
Type: Passive Max Level: 1
Requirements: Strip Shield Level 3
Required For: Compulsion Discount, Cleaner
Effect: When 2 or more rogues sit next to each other (all must have this skill) aggressive monsters, except Boss monsters, won't attack.

Comments: Uh. Yea. Nuff’ said.

Compulsion Discount (Skill ID# 224) iRO Name: Haggle
Type: Passive Max Level: 5
Requirements: Gangster's Paradise Level 1
Effect: Enable to purchase items at a Lower Price in NPC Shops. Discount rates are better than Merchant Discount. [Level 1] Discount Rate 9% [Level 2] Discount Rate 13% [Level 3] Discount Rate 17% [Level 4] Discount Rate 21% [Level 5] Discount Rate 25%

Comments: Meh

Plagiarism (Skill ID# 225) iRO Name: Intimidate
Type: Passive Max Level: 10
Requirements: Intimidate Level 5
Required For: Preserve (L10 Stalker)
Effect: Allows the last offensive skill used on you to be used as a skill you have gained. Only one skill may be copied at a time in this fashion, maximum copied skill level equals the Plagiarism SkillLV.
Level Description
1 LV. 1 Skills can be copied
2 LV. 2 Skills can be copied
3 LV. 3 Skills can be copied
4 LV. 4 Skills can be copied
5 LV. 5 Skills can be copied
6 LV. 6 Skills can be copied
7 LV. 7 Skills can be copied
8 LV. 8 Skills can be copied
9 LV. 9 Skills can be copied
10 LV. 10 Skills can be copied

Comments: Very useful. This skill makes Stalkers one of the most fluid characters in the game. Popular choices are traps and trifecta for training and SG and Bowling Bash for PvP/WoE.

Close Confine - Quest Skill (Skill ID# 1005)
Type: Active Max Level: 1
SP Cost: 25
Target: Enemy Range: 1 cells (eAthena)
Cast Time: Instant
Duration: 10 sec
Effect: For 10 seconds, you grab a single enemy, preventing you and the target to move. While you grab onto someone, you will have +10 bonus to Flee Rate. If either the victim or you die, or should any of them teleport away, this skill is cancelled.
Can be learnt from: Rogue Platinum Skills Quests

Comments: Great for people who are running away. It’s usable in lot’s of ways, I’ll go deeper into this skill later.


Chase Walk (Skill ID# 389) iRO Name: Stealth
Type: Supportive Max Level: 5
Requirements: Hiding Level 5, Tunnel Drive Level 3
SP Cost: 10 SP Upkeep Cost: 50 + 10*SkillLV per 10 sec
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Duration: Sustained
Effect: Walk behind your enemy while hiding. All detecting skills will not be able to detect a Stalker in this mode. The stalker can not attack and he will become visible when his SP runs out. Furthermore, attacks that impact the area that the stalker is in will end this skill thus revealing the stalker. The Stalker leaves faint shoeprints on the ground while using this skill. Walking speed is reduced, but this can be compensated with higher SkillLV. Can be used during Guild Siege, but costs 5 times as much SP. Increase STR for 30 seconds after casting.
Level Description
1 Walk Speed 70%, STR +1
2 Walk Speed 75%, STR +2
3 Walk Speed 80%, STR +4
4 Walk Speed 85%, STR +8
5 Walk Speed 90%, STR +16

Comments: Self explanatory, just get it at some level. If you’re the e-caller, you should max this.

Reject Sword (Skill ID# 390) iRO Name: Counter Instinct
Type: Supportive Max Level: 5
Requirements: Strip Weapon Level 1
SP Cost: 5 + 5*SkillLV
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Duration: 300 sec, or 3 Reflects
Effect: When in PVP mode it has a chance to reduce all sword and dagger damage by half and returns the other half to the attacker for 3 hits. Works on monsters regardless of their weapon.
Level Description
1 15% Chance of Reflection
2 30% Chance of Reflection
3 45% Chance of Reflection
4 60% Chance of Reflection
5 75% Chance of Reflection

Comments: Great. Sac Pallies, Sword Knights, Dagger Stalkers all get screwed over by this skill. Not only does it give you 50% reduction on swords but it returns the damage. How cool is that? Plus, it makes a really blinding animation that will annoy your enemies when you spam it biggrin.gif.

Preserve (Skill ID# 475)
Type: Supportive Max Level: 1
Requirements: Plagiarism Level 10
SP Cost: 30
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1
Duration: 600 sec
Effect: Allows Stalker to not change the skill learned via Plagiarism even when hit by a different skill for duration of the skill.

Comments: Get it if you have plagiarism. Period.

Full Strip (Skill ID# 476) iRO Name: Full Divestment
Type: Active Max Level: 5
Requirements: Strip Weapon Level 5, Strip Shield Level 5, Strip Armor Level 5, Strip Helm Level 5
SP Cost: 20 + SkillLV*2
Target: Enemy
Cast Time: Instant After Cast Delay: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped weapon, shield, armor and helm off player and prevents a reequip of ANY weapon, shield, armor and helm for a certain time. On monster: reduces Attack by 10% and DEF by 30% for the skill's duration. Full Chemical Protection counters this skill. Success Chance 5%+SkillLV*2%.
Level Description
1 7% Chance
2 9% Chance
3 11% Chance
4 13% Chance
5 15% Chance

Comments: It’s easy enough to understand and know whether you’re getting this or not.


Universal Gear:

These are some gear that all builds should consider getting.

Poor Man's Gear:
Wool Scarf/Tidal
Feather Beret/Beret/Poo Poo hat
Gangster Mask
Thara Frog
Cowardice Knife

Nimble Orleans
+10 Quad Cursing Composite Bow (or any other status bow up to user preference)
Combat Knife
Silence/Curse/Frozen Arrows



Double Attack Level 10
Increase Dodge Level 10
Steal Level 8
Hiding Level 10
Envenom Level 10
Detoxify Level 1
Sand Attack Level 1
Back Sliding Level 1
Pick Stone Level 1
Throw Stone Level 1
Snatcher Level 4
Steal Coin Level 4
Back Stab Level 4
Tunnel Drive Level 3
Raid Level 5
Strip Weapon Level 5
Strip Shield Level 5
Strip Armor Level 5
Strip Helm Level 5
Intimidate Level 5
Plagiarism Level 10
Chase Walk Level 5
Reject Sword Level 3
Preserve Level 1
Full Strip Level 5
Close Confine Level 1

This is your generic everyday support stalker skill build.



Double Attack Level 10
Increase Dodge Level 10
Steal Level 8
Hiding Level 10
Envenom Level 10
Detoxify Level 1
Sand Attack Level 1
Back Sliding Level 1
Pick Stone Level 1
Throw Stone Level 1
Snatcher Level 4
Steal Coin Level 2
Back Stab Level 2
Tunnel Drive Level 3
Raid Level 1
Strip Weapon Level 5
Strip Shield Level 5
Strip Armor Level 5
Strip Helm Level 5
Chase Walk Level 5
Reject Sword Level 3
Full Strip Level 5
Vulture’s Eye Level 10
Double Strafe Level 10
Close Confine Level 1

This is a generic bow build. You have Double Strafe/ Strip, offering up BB assuming that you want the dex for strip and BB becomes less used than strip with DS.

Strip Shield Build:

Note: This build is not recommended for people new to stalkers. In general cases, it’s worse than full strip for obvious reasons. However, it’s used to compensate for guilds with bad trappers.

Double Attack Level 10
Increase Dodge Level 10
Steal Level 8
Hiding Level 10
Envenom Level 10
Detoxify Level 1
Sand Attack Level 1
Back Sliding Level 1
Pick Stone Level 1
Throw Stone Level 1
Vulture's Eye Level 10
Double Strafing Level 5
Remove Trap Level 1
Snatcher Level 4
Steal Coin Level 4
Back Stab Level 4
Tunnel Drive Level 5
Raid Level 5
Strip Shield Level 5
Strip Helm Level 5
Intimidate Level 5
Plagiarism Level 10
Chase Walk Level 5
Preserve Level 1
Close Confine Level 1

Full Backstab Stalker:


Double Attack Level 10
Increase Dodge Level 10
Steal Level 8
Hiding Level 10
Envenom Level 10
Detoxify Level 1
Sand Attack Level 1
Back Sliding Level 1
Pick Stone Level 1
Throw Stone Level 1
Sword Mastery Level 10
Snatcher Level 4
Steal Coin Level 4
Back Stab Level 10
Tunnel Drive Level 5
Raid Level 5
Strip Shield Level 5
Strip Helm Level 5
Intimidate Level 5
Plagiarism Level 10
Chase Walk Level 5
Preserve Level 1
Close Confine Level 1

A normal backstab build, strip helm and strip shield to get rid of demi-human redux. I’m not sure what you want to do with your plagerize. Probably, fsk for linked players or consider shield charge for the stun chance in which you can just go behind them and backstab.


PvM Stalker

Double Attack Level 10
Increase Dodge Level 10
Steal Level 10
Hiding Level 10
Envenom Level 8
Detoxify Level 1
Sand Attack Level 1
Back Sliding Level 1
Pick Stone Level 1
Throw Stone Level 1
Snatcher Level 10
Steal Coin Level 4
Back Stab Level 10
Tunnel Drive Level 5
Raid Level 5
Strip Shield Level 3
Strip Helm Level 5
Intimidate Level 5
Graffiti Level 1
Gangster's Paradise Level 1
Compulsion Discount Level 5
Plagiarism Level 10
Chase Walk Level 5
Preserve Level 1
Close Confine Level 1


Bowling Bash/Melee Dagger Stalker
Str- 90-99 (multiples of 10)
Agi- 1 - 70
Vit- 30 - 80
Int- 1 - 30 (multiples of 3)
Dex-50 - 80

Agi and Vit are debatable. High agi stalkers have amazing DPS with BB but if you plan to WoE or want to tank more, you should consider getting Vit.

This is everyday normal stuff. A mes is best for BB because of aspd + bleeding and a level 4 weapon. If you’re one of those people adamant about Sabers, go ahead. BSB wouldn’t be a bad idea for considering in this build. I wouldn’t say bother with dex gear, your normal total dex should be enough. It’s really up in the air, what fits you is what you should wear. A lot of people tend to run away when they’re about to die. To prevent this, horong/marine sphere accessories in the invent will help as well as a status bow. If they’re simply running, I suggest a quad cursing composite. Curse eliminates their ability to hide themselves from you as well as running from you.

Stats: Bow Stalker

Str- 1 - 30
Agi- 50 - 80
Vit- 30 - 80
Int- 1- 30
Dex- 90 +
Luk- 1

For Bowling Bash, you will want to consider less agi and more vit. Shield switching will be hard when you’re close up and spamming BB. The advantage to BBing with a bow? Your BB takes on the element of your arrows and you have a nice amount of dex for stripping.

For Double Strafe, consider more agi than vit. You want the flee, though you definitely want at least 50 vit. Agi helps with ASPD too. With DS you have a lot more range than BB which should be use to your advantage. The element to a double strafe stalker is range advantage. Backslide/ chase walk/tunnel drive lets you completely avoid close range combat.


Bowling Bash is simple with gears once again, generic gears that will either up your damage or increase your def/ redux. Using bow gives you no excuse to not use a thara. Carry one with you and only switch to bow when youre on the offensive. The same goes for DS. Double Strafe paired up with a nasty status bow works well too. A low vit character that is stripped or has no ranged attack is screwed completely by a status bow.
Lord of Deaths would be best but I’ve only been on one server where I’ve had a few in a bow. Before that, I used savage babe, plankton, metaller and magnolia. I don’t advise marina due to marcs, I just use a freezing arrow if they managed to get stripped and to bypass raydric. It’s a good idea to carry lots of arrows on you as well. Earthen bow + stone arrows is a nice combo. Simply range them from afar (even if your BB) and if they stone curse, strip them and do your thing. This works extremely well at eliminating priests as well.

Stats: Full Support PvP/WoE Stalker
Str- 1 - 50
Agi- 1 – 90+
Vit- 50 – 90+
Int- 1 - 30
Dex- 1 – 90+
Luk- 1 – w/e

Depending on your need, you’ll be balancing agi and vit again. If you’re mainly supporting in PvP, you want a lot of agi. Stalkers with flee gears and good hide dodging skills are extremely hard to kill. If you plan to use the stalker for 95% WoE though, don’t bother with agi at all. A good WoE stalker survives on high vit, especially if you’re ecalling. If you get stunned for more than .5 second, consider yourself dead. High dex is for stripping and chase walk cast time, int for sp regeneration. Strength is for potting. If you don’t pot in PvP and that’s all you’re going to be doing, don’t bother with strength. It’s a good idea to get more int if you plan to copy heal.


Support. That means make yourself as ****** hard to kill as possible. Stun resistant armor is best, if you have 100 total vit or over, use +9 chainmail instead. If you’re flee whoring, +9 thief clothes may work better. Valkyrie armor should definitely be considered and Divine Clothes can be used as a substitute if you lack 100 + vit. Weapon-wise, a CK would be best. The next best thing would be a status cowardice. Plenty of people prefer more status cards on a main gauche but that cowardice is what brings you up to 60+ defense. FSK or heal should be copied. Thara is definitely needed, don’t bother using a bow unless you want to long range status in which case it would only be a back up weapon. Safety rings/ alligator rosaries are a good idea as well. Opera mask/hahoe mask is advised.

Stats: Mage Stalker
Str- 1 - 30
Agi- 1 - 70
Vit- 30 - 70
Int- 90+
Dex- 90+
Luk- 1

It’s close to a wizard build but whatever. Strength for pots, agi for flee. 70 agi + improve dodge is like having a high wizard with 110 agi. Hard to hit is funny when you’re using magic. Vit for obvious reasons, you may want to curb your vit since it won’t help you as much. High dex and decent int is important. Your playstyle will be casting FAST magic spells before disappearing into hide or chase walk or backsliding out of sight. Storm Gust is nice to copy if you have very nice dex. If they don’t have marc, level 1, strip and then cast SG over them before ranging them in storm gust, keeping Storm Gust over them.


Bazerald or Rudra is nice. Baz for thara, Rudra if you have agi and dex. Dex gear is important as well as some redux. If you have lots of agi and low dex, copying ninja magic moves maybe a good choice if you have lots of flee gears.

Stats: Grand Cross Stalker
Str- 70 - 90
Agi- 1 - 70
Vit- 50+
Int- 60 - 90
Dex- 50 - 70
Luk- 1

Agi is optional and just for flee. Stalkers are easier to kill with using GC since you have close confine against people without hide.

Gears: Mostly int/ str gear. Bazerald or Rudra is nice. Angeling and GTB make this build pretty powerful. If you don’t have either of these, just don’t wear an evil druid and a double dexterous haedo should be good enough.

Stats: Full Support PvM Stalker
Str- 1 - 30
Agi- 70+
Vit- 50 +
Int- 1 - 70
Dex- 1 - 50
Luk- 1 – 20

Strength for pots. Mostly you’ll be using high flee and high vit to tank while using heal to support players. You can get more strength for some actual killing or some dex for bow. You have agi and gank for gank leveling/ hunting as well as compulsive discount for being optimally cheap and buying at 25% discount instead of 24% (AMAZING!).

Gear: Mostly reduxes for the monsters you’ll be tanking. That’s about it.

Stats: Random Numbers
Agi- 99
Luk- 99

Screw the leftover stat points. Fortune sword, double yo yo rosaries. Go pwn.


Player Vs Player

Lord Knight

This shouldn’t be too hard of a battle. Low dex spirals can easily be hide dodged and sword BBs don’t do too much if you have reject sword and decent redux. If the LK can hit you and you’re having trouble with BB use a status bow/arrows. Freeze, Stun are decent picks though marc/vit will make it difficult. The best choice is an earthen bow. Once an LK is stripped, it should be easy pickings. If the LK berserks simply hide and wait for his hp to drain.


The most trouble you’ll ever have is with sac paladins that come in with parties. MR CAN be deadly in non WoE settings. Always keep reject sword on and try go in for a quick strip. Vit stalkers have a little easier here though strip is vital for canceling out a paladins shield buffs. Shield Paladins are a little easier, unless they have a link they tend to have a hard time hitting stalkers with 35 + agi which is enough time to for a strip. If the Paladin tries to gain range keep close confine on. Grand Cross shouldn’t be much trouble as it’s easy to dodge with a single backslide done diagonally.

High Wizard

This battle can go both ways. All skills should be dodged. Bow stalkers have this one easy with their range. If the wizard is smart and is keeping up sight blaster, you can backslide into the wizard instead though you generally don’t need to. BB will knock the wizard right out of SW unless they’re smart and are doing it in a corner. If the wizard has a decent cast time with a phen, Earth Spike/ Ice Wall Lock with Gravity Field could prove difficult so always stay in motion or hidden.


This will be a hard battle to win. Melee/Magic Stalkers are at a disadvantage once the Prof sets up WoF and SW. Soul Burn ends a lot of battles. The key to beating a professor is armor switching. Aqua backed up with Wind should be used when at far range. Evil druid or a medusa is advised when in close range. You can’t rely on your plagerized skill because of dispel so you may have to resort to hide/raid for status and backstab.


This is another difficult battle. DS snipers require a lot of flee and dex to face. Bow stalkers have little chance of winning unless they get a lucky strip in. Melee stalkers will have to stay chase walked/ hidden until in close range. If the sniper uses arrow repel, keep a strong shield on you. Strip snipers that are easily tanked and hide/attack ones that do more damage. Magnum break and shield charge work really well for ones with high flee. Trapper snipers are a bit easier. Make sure to stay away from sandmen unless you have remove trap. If you are ankle snared, stay hidden until the duration runs out.


Clowns/Gypsies aren’t hard if you have good defense and redux. A few attacks should handle them unless they get a lucky tarot.


Another class that is easier to take on with a bow stalker. Since Whitesmith have no range, just keep your distance if you have a bow using backslide and hide/chasewalk. When using a melee weapon, don’t expect to win unless you have a lot of vit. It is advised to SC/ Strip the target before getting up close as WS easily out-damage stalkers. A punk card may help as it cancels Cart Boost though I personally don’t suggest it.


Uhm. If you have 50+ vit, you’re a goner. FCP > Strip, Parasites > Hide.


This can go either way. It will be a difficult battle, especially for bow stalkers, as priests can easily out heal most classes. Silence isn’t reliable enough and you’d end up doing better with just a pvp weapon rather than status. Strip is vital in this situation. Status no longer goes through pneuma when used in the form of arrows/bows so either intimidate or envenom with a poison toad is suggested. If the priest lacks vit, this should be an easy battle.


You should know when the champ is going for an immediate asura. It’s not hard to dodge without ruwach and you can easily get lucky if the ruwach is not close enough. If you find yourself too close to ruwach and the cast time of Asura is decent, you can backslide + hide it though it is rare you’ll find someone with that slow of a cast time. Note that Asura is interruptible and auto-attacking them before they asura can help. Champions with extremely high dex are mostly your concern though Occult will do quite some damage for stalkers leaning towards vit. Bow stalkers will have a difficult time due to pneuma and envenom with a status weapon may be very useful. If one has good reflexes, a melee stalker can take down a champ if the champ doesn’t snap out of range to heal. Strip is not as useful (though still very) and it is advised that you go straight into attacking and strip only when they champion is on the defensive. A failed strip will prevent you from dodging a TSS.

Assassin Cross

Assuming the Assassin doesn’t one shot you with EDP, this will actually be one of the more easier battles. It’s hard for sinxes to have enough dex to hit you if you have decent agi (40+) and still have enough agi to flee assuming they have vit. Sightless mind is your best friend. Use it to take care of cloaked sinxes while causing statuses to low vit ones. If they don’t have a link, you can easily out-damage them. If the sinx grims, immediately go into hide (backslide out if you get hitlocked) and wait by the sinx. Once he/she unhides and cloaks, immediately use sightless mind followed by attacks.


Whoever strips first wins really. It’s really boring, just don’t do it.



General Information

White Pots > Aloes

Mastelas > White Pots

You should be using mastelas unless you are linked in which case ranker white potions heal more. Always wear demi-human redux in WoE as your only job is to strip and support. Therefore, high survivability is a must. High vit is recommended.

Opera/ Hahoe/ Alarm

+9 Chainmail – Marc AND ED

+4 - +7 Divine Clothes

Recommended High End:

Valkyrie Armor

Cowardice Blade with Status Cards


Main Gauche/ Mes with Status Cards

Recommended High End:

Combat Knife


+4- 9 Valkyrie + Thara


+4 – 9 Thorn Shield + Thara


Immune Wool (If using Tidals)


Immune Valkyrie Mant


Fledged/Green Ferus/ Matyr Tidals (If using Wools)

Recommended High End:

+0 (!!!!! Don’t be an idiot and +4 them. Please.) Variant Shoes


Safety Rings


Alligator Rosaries


Horong to switch in.


Stalker gear for WoE mostly for more survivability. Some people prefer ulles, nimble Orleans/ gloves for stripping. You can if you want to though I find it more helpful to have higher defense, especially for guild leaders.

F. beret is obvious. Opera Mask etc etc are for defense though it is advised you get Hahoe or Alarm as they are 10 weight lower. It may not seem like much but every little point of weight counts. One more white pot can make the difference between life or death.

Armor wise, chainmail has the highest defense for Stalkers and thus should be considered. While many people seem to like thieves clothes, I highly suggest against it. Agi is useless in WoE and there are several armors with less weight. Divine Clothes are nice for the status resistance as well as the light weight. Not as much defense as chainmail and perhaps harder to obtain. ED and Marc are both needed. If you come across a professor, you should be switching to ED for safe measures. Stone curse is really something you don’t want to happen.

Weapon choice is important. PvP weapons are useless, stalkers don’t damage in WoE. A status weapon is best whether it’s bow or knife. Also, equip arrows regardless of whether you are using a bow. Flying Side Kick takes on the property of arrows (last time I checked) and can cause status simply from arrows. I personally prefer cowardice over quad status for the simple fact that if you’re not going to be hitting the enemies much at all and if you’re just auto attacking, you should be stripping. The status cards in weapon are more for FSK. The best weapon choice is combat knife for obvious reasons though a Stalker can break decently fast with it OR an ice pick. In a regular WoE build, I’ve gotten a 20 second emp break time (this is with very little agi and strength).

Shield. That is something you should be using in WoE REGARDLESS of class. I’m sick of SinXes going lolololol I don’t need a shield, I use a katar. Snipers, Sinxes, WS should all be using thara in WoE. If you don’t have above 14k hp and aren’t wearing a thara, practically any half decent sinx will one shot you. Even if you use a bow, wear a thara when someone is close by.

Garment/ Shoes. Wool/Tidals are essential for Stalkers who are starting out and may continue to be used long after. I personally prefer Variants with +7 immune Valkyrie Manteau. Secondly, why immune? The only things you should EVER die to in WoE are Asura, AD and EDP SB (if you get ganged. It’s hard for one – two sinx to kill a stalker wearing thara. If the sinx has especially high damage with SB, then it will take 1 sinx with support generally). Of those 3, Noxious is inferior to Raydric in every way. Asura is reduced more by Raydric, AD is reduced more by Radyric and EDP SB is reduced more by Raydric OR none at all if it is converted/ from an elemental katar.

Accessories: I prefer Safety Rings because I don’t die from ranged that much though Alligator Rosaries are just as good. When emp-hugging it’s best to have horong on.

What Skill Should I Be Copying For WoE?

Hands down, Flying Side Kick all the way. Even with the nerf (Stalker can no longer fsk into precast and snatch the precast bragi before darting away onto emp) FSK is the best skill for WoE. It takes off links and it moves you when you’re stuck in a trap (though it will be the only way you will be able to move).

General Stalker Strategies

1. Know what to strip first.

Stripping just about anything is useful though there are situations where Stripping a certain class is more important.

Lord Knights aren’t important. Unless there is no professor/priest/defense set up and there is an LK breaker, it’s safe to prioritize them near last.

Paladins are a toss up. MR pallies (should be shot for being useless anyways) are a bit by strip. Tanking Paladins should be stripped for thara. However, if the paladin is using Sacrifice, it’s more important to strip the person being sacrificed first.

Priests are definitely important. Without thara and assumpt, they can be killed easily.

Champs are not as important either. As with all semi-important classes when it comes to stripping, only strip them if you have nothing better to do.

High Wizards are not important. They die quickly anyways and generally aren’t worth the attention.

Professors are important. They are one of the most important support classes in RO. Make sure they are as vulnerable as possible or it will come back to bite you.

Snipers are decently important. If the Sniper is shooting, don’t strip him and let him waste his time unless you and your guild are somehow hindered by it despite the 99% (might as well be) penalty ranged attacks have. Stripping the trapper is important for breaking through a defense.

Clowns/Gypsies are important. Without an instrument they can no longer use songs. However, this could work the other way and force the Gypsy to spam scream and Clowns to spam tarot. Depending on your experience, you may choose to prioritize them high or low.

Assassin Crosses are important. One stripped, they’re very useless. Of course, this doesn’t mean ignore them.

Stalkers are not important. FSK them and leave. It’s not worth risking being stripped.

2. Close Confine.

Close confine is an important skill. Close confining players that lack hide in precast will kill them. Close Confine speed potters. Close Confine champs. Close Confine Breaker LKs.

It’s important to strip them while they are close confined and then use Chase Walk. Using hide will release them.

3. FSK

FSK is important. Always take out the links of Assassin Crosses, Stalkers, WS and Clown/Gypsies. If enemy priests are (for some odd reason) holy lighting, leave the link on to encourage them to waste more time =D.

4. SP

The reason I had suggested Verits was because of SP. It is recommended that Stalkers get at least 6 sp for regeneration if they aren’t OW a lot though it will not help enough to render SP pots useless. Always have an SP source, chasewalk and strip kill your SP.

Perma-Novice Guide

How to build a Perma Novice and all, etc etc etc.

Basically like a thief. Get high AGI, so you can dodge the monsters (Vit isn't worth ****** since you don't have HPs anyway.), get Str and Dex so you can damage them...

Suggested final build:

Str: ~80
Agi: ~100 (Matyr card FTW, HP bonus stacks with the other HP cards and +1 Agi)
Vit: ~20
Int: OMG 1
Dex: ~50
Luk: OMG 1

(Might lower to 40 Dex and less Vit for 90 Str.)

How to level and build yourself, and WHERE to level:

When you start, do the Training Grounds. 350 Novice Potions are AWESOME. Obviously, get 9 AGI, 9 Str and 9 Dex.

Get a damn Sword. Dagger is gay. Sword is sexy. You look more manly. Or get a dagger if you want more ASPD. I use Sword, I can hit 183 ASPD when buffed.

As you level, first, get 20 Str, then 20 Dex, then 30 Agi. Then you can get Str to 30, Agi to 50, Str to 40, Dex to 25, Agi to 60, Str to 50, Agi to 70, Dex to 30, Str to 60, Agi to 90, Str to 70, Dex to 40, Agi to 99, Str to 80, Dex to 50, And put the rest in Vit, since you don't have enough for another ATK bonus and DEX is way high enough already.

As to where to level, I'm noob with places so here's where I leveled;

Level 1-15; Training Grounds.
Level 15-20~25: Culvert, various floors. (I suggest 2.)
Level 20-60: Metalings.
-------PRO TIP: Hit a Metaling, and Trick Dead really fast. That way, he can't attack you back. Also works on Myst Cases... And any monster that isn't aggressive. (But you don't have infinite SP, so get items or stick to MEtalings.)
-------PRO TIP 2: As you hit level 50, you can use the Angelic Set. HIGHLY recommended. +900 HP and 100 SP. But watch out as you can't solo Vagabond Wolf, and it gives the Garment.
Level 60-70: If you can get a Marine Sphere Card, go and mob Male Thiefbugs in Culvert 3-4. But if you don't have Marine Sphere, or you hate when you always run out of SP, just stick to metalings, or go to Toy Factory. (With Flee, Myst Cases aren't too bad.) In the good old days I would go in Geffen Dungeon but they added ****** flies.
Level 70-80: Leech plx. It's the worst levels. (Except past 95) You can try Soils, but Mantises are annoying.
Level 80-90: HIGH ORCS! By then you should have enough flee. But don't forget to bring Pots. Whisper Card is a good idea as well.
Level 90+: I did Seals. THey miss more than anyhting.
Level 95+: Try getting someone to leech you, because it's really long now. Something like 0.1% per kill, and you can't mob, and one kill takes 10 seconds. Or you can be really patient. Or you can just stop and brag that you got there and are almost as good as Noviceman.

Now for equips.

Get the Angelic Set, you need HP and SP.

The equips:
Head: Fantasm Angel's Kiss. (Succubus or Incubus Card; wichever one goes in hat.)
Middle: Angled Glasses, Evil Wing Ears, Purple Glasses (Bought in Lighthalzen, 1 def.)
Lower: Anything is as bad as anything else. Baby Pacifier ftw.
Armor: Nightmarish Angelic Protection (Succubus or Incubus, the one that doesn't go in the hat.)
Shield: Cranial Angelic Guard (Thara Frog Card)
Robe: Mocking Angelic Cardigan (Whisper Card)
Shoes: Green Angel's Reincarnation (Matyr Card)
Accessory 1: Blast Novice Armlet (Marine Sphere Card)
Accesory 2: Poison Novice Armlet (Poison Spore Card)


Either get a Sword or a Dagger. Dagger hurts less on Large monsters, and the best Dagger you can get is Cinquedea 2s. It has 110 Atk I believe.

BEst sword would be Star Dust Blade (1 slot). 140 Atk is good for a Novice, and there's a slot. Pretty much the best sword around. (Unless you get a 4s Sword for specific killing. But that'll be wasted later on.)

My weapon: +7 Bloody Star Dust Blade (Hydra Card LOL).

Now, the bestest stuff you could get, would be the Incubus/Succubus combo. But that's a lot of work.

Well that's enough babble since nobody's gonna really use this anyway. =D


Random lolpic:

Reduced: 76% of original size [ 500 x 371 ] - Click to view full image

HAX, PvP strategies.

Swordman class: They gotta be low level, or have low dex. You gotta be lucky, that's all.

Archer Class: They have to be VERY low level, else you won't even get to them.

Acolyte Class: Almost sure to outheal you.

Mage Class: Easiest class to own. Just trick dead on their skills. They become annoying wih Frost Diver and lots of Dex, so when that happens, just wait until you die.

Thief Class: Again, just hope they're low level, and have low dex. But their AGI will be a pain in the ass mostly.

Merchant Class: I dunno, I'm guessing they're like Knights or Assassins. BUt I assume with more DEX.

Whatever other classes: Dunno Ninja and TK and that stuff.

LOL Lazy guide end.

Well that's that.

For the record, I did beat some Monks, Knights, Crusaders, Wizards, Sages, Assassins, Rogues, Blacksmiths and Alchemists in duels on *Other Server*. No Priests though. I WONDER WHY?

this guide is by noviceman

A guide to Critical SinX's

Surprisingly enough, an Assassin (Cross) doesn't need that much base LUK to begin with. It's mostly in the gear.

Let's see now.

- You do defense-ignoring damage.
- You have high attack speed (and flee, which comes with the attack speed)
- You also have a decent amount of perfect dodge due to the equips/stats.
- Your overall survival/damage is improved as well (as LUK affects everything; i.e. a jack-of-all-trades stat)
- You can put points into other stats, as you won't need much DEX (as Crits are Flee/DEF ignoring attacks)

- You'll have poor HP/Defense (Unless you plan on upgrading your equipment really high, which is a waste for a PvM build such as this one)
- You'll only be able to dish out damage to one enemy/monster at a time, rather than being able to mob effectively. (Unless, of course, you plan on going with Meteor Assault...which isn't too useful, except to stun enemies for a second or two)
- Most of the gear is really annoying to get to make this build actually USEFUL in a real scenario (Which means, anything other than smacking Porings)

Possibly the most important aspect of a Critical build is the armor.

Morrigane's Belt[0] - Dropped by Kiel D-01, ATK +5, CRIT +3
Morrigane's Pendant[0] - Dropped by Kiel D-01, ATK +5, CRIT +3
Morrigane's Helm[0] - Dropped by Hydro(lancer), LUK +2, ATK +3
Morrigane's Manteau[0] - Dropped by Thanatos (Memory/MVP), LUK +2, P. Dodge +8

---> The added bonus of having the entire set at hand is STR + 2, LUK + 9, CRIT + 13, ATK + 18, P. Dodge + 13
---> However, you may swap out the Belt[0] and the Pendant[0] for 2x Goddess of Fortune's Cursed Brooches, which give +6% to overall CRIT, but with a 0.5% chance to Curse yourself. I would recommend against it, because the full Morrigane's set makes Crit builds a LOT more useful.


You can go double-dagger OR katar here, it really doesn't matter.

For ideal ASPD, katar is the way to go. (Ideal ASPD being 172+)
You can go with something as simple as a carded Jur[3], or high up with a(n area) status weapon like an Inverse Scare. I would personally use a Specialty Jur[4] (even though they're quite difficult to get, and very expensive) because of the level of the weapon (1) meaning it can be +10'd easier than a high refine of a Jur, along with the added slot. Although...this also causes you to bleed by chance, so a Jur/Specialty Jur is debatable.

Next up: Double-Dagger!
Sure, you'd have to crank your AGI a fair bit more to reach optimum ASPD (I'm talking 165+ when wielding two dagger-type weapons)

You know, I wonder what an Ice Pick would do for a double-dagger Crit build...High VIT targets: Not only would you IGNORE the def by doing critical attacks, the attacks themselves would be stronger because of enemy VIT. Or something like that, never tried it out myself.
Anyhow, let's see now: The main advantage of having a double-dagger build is that you can have a LOT more status-inflicting going on with crits. (i.e. two daggers, four slots each, something as simple as a Main Gauche[4] will do, along with different status cards and good ASPD). Not only that, but having two daggers and having Left/Right hand mastery increases your damage significantly as well. High-damage/card ratio daggers can be used, such as a simple Damascus or Gladius (preferably Gladius, higher number of slots and nearly the same damage). The other thing to do can be an elemental main-hand weapon, along with a carded offhand weapon, or even better, two double/triple/quad carded weapons along with an outside Endow Scroll/Sage Endow to optimize your damage further.

You may want to use 2x Fortune Swords, as this build can also be used back and forth with a Perfect Dodge/Flee build, mainly since two Fortune Swords give +10 LUK and +40 P. Dodge. Of course, they can be swapped using hotkeys to another weapon for attack, then back while searching for mobs/fleeing them.

Weapon Cards:
These aren't too hard to obtain or use, as what you want is +%ATK cards, or +ATK cards. That is to say, the former is things such as Hydra Cards (+20% to Demi-Humans) and the latter is things such as Zipper Bear Cards (+30 ATK). Actually, the latter is JUST Zipper Bear Cards (as Andre and Skeleton Cards...just suck, +20/+10 ATK is nothing compared to +30 ATK).

- The advantage to having +%ATK cards such as Hydra, Skeleton Worker or Minorous is that you can do a LOT more damage, almost up to double of your original damage (stacking cards correctly and whatnot). But that comes at a cost: you are limited to what you can fight.
- However, +ATK cards (See Zipper Bear Card ) can be used in almost any situation, and they help your damage a fair bit as well in said situations, in comparison to the +%ATK cards.


The most important part, besides gears of course.

A regular build, I presume (Damn, times have changed) would revolve around a lot of LUK. But with the implementation of the Morrigane's Set, there is no more need for nasty 7x LUK ruining all your other stats.
Instead, something along these lines:

110+ STR (The Crits make up for the loss of STR: compared to 120/130 in other builds)
70+ AGI if going Katar, 85+ AGI if going Double-Dagger (High ASPD is needed if you want effective Crits/Status Crits), 90+ AGI if you want a LOT of Flee
A decent 30-40+ VIT because you won't need the points in DEX like other builds
5? INT for half-assed SP recovery
Lol you don't need DEX when being able to ignore Flee and DEF. However, get 15-20 to be on the safe side (that is BASE DEX, In comparison to the other stats, which have +Blessing or +Increase Agility buffs)
You can go for anywhere around 20-40 base LUK (considerably less compared to old builds with 70-80 BASE LUK). Depending on your playstyle, you may find it helpful to have more or less LUK than the amount I'm thinking of here. There's a pretty cheap resetter here, go play around with it and see what suits you best by trying it on some low-end monsters.



Thief: Improve Dodge 10, Double Attack 10, Hide 5+
Assassin: Katar Mastery 10, Enchant Poison 5/6/10, Cloaking 10
Assassin Cross: Advanced Katar Research 5, Create Deadly Poison 1, Enchant Deadly Poison 5
Optional: Steal, Right/Left Hand Mastery, Meteor Assault (See prerequisites), Poison React, Venom Dust/Splasher, Sonic Blow/Grimtooth if points left over.

Double Dagger:

Thief: Improve Dodge 10, Double Attack 10, Hide 5+
Assassin: Right Hand Mastery 5, Left Hand Mastery 5, Enchant Poison 5/6/10, Cloaking 10
Assassin Cross: Create Deadly Poison 1, Enchant Deadly Poison 5
Optional: Steal, Meteor Assault, Katar Mastery, Advanced Katar Research, Poison React, Venom Dust/Splasher

How to party in Nameless Dungeon

The Complete Guide to Nameless Abbey/Dungeon.

Notes: Use CTRL + F to find the keyword.
Another Note: I have to double/triple post because of the image limit, hope you don't mind, whoever is moderating the forums <3>Content:
1. All about Nameless Dungeon.
1.2. Mobs in Nameless Dungeon.
1.3 Maps in Nameless Dungeon.
1.4 How to get to Nameless Dungeon.
1.5 Navigating yourself to Abbey03.
2. Getting started on party.
2.1 What is a full party, according to me.
3. What to do as a member.
3.1 What to do as a Job Class
4. Taking on Nameless Mobs
5. Death
5.1 Why you're dead
5.2 What to do?
6. Extra Stuff
6.1 Usable Items
6.2 Equips in Nameless
6.3 Camping
7. Credits
8. Random Questions

1. Nameless Dungeon
The Nameless Dungeon, praised by many as the place where levels/exp is gained easily with a well organized party. The purpose of this guide is to showcase how to take on the Nameless Dungeon, with information regarding mobs inhabiting it, and the various methods to take them on, with your class.

1.2 - Mobs present in the Nameless Dungeon:

Present in abbey01

Zombie Slaughter:

Present in abbey01, abbey02, abbey03 [Summoned by Necromancers].

Ragged Zombie:

Present in abbey01, abbey02

Hell Poodle:

Present in abbey01


Present in abbey01, abbey02, abbey03

Flame Skull:

Present in abbey01, abbey02, abbey03


Present in abbey02, abbey03

Fallen Bishop Hibram [MVP]:

Present in abbey02

Beezelbub [1st Form] [MVP]:

Present in abbey03

Beezelbub [True Form] [MVP]:

Present in abbey03

1.4 - How to get to Nameless Dungeon
By using the Warp NPC, click it, click To a Dungeon, and then scroll down to Nameless Abbey. Once clicked, you'll warp here:

Obviously go into the warp, and you'll arrive at Abbey01. Simple. Follow the red line on the images to get to abbey03, where there are many necromancers which give pro exp.

1.5 - Navigating yourself around the abbey dungeons
Abbey01 Directions:

Abbey02 Directions:

2. Getting Started On The Party
Basically in order to join/start a Nameless Party, you should be/have:
- Level 70, I think, is probably the most suitable level to be in a Nameless Party
- Have the skills that are suitable, you don't want to be a wizard with no AoE skills right?
- Not be an idiot.

Most parties are organized in Prontera, like so:

Basically if you're level 75, for example, you'll be looking for a party that has a range of Level 70+ to 85, depending on who is the highest level in the party. If the highest level in the party is 86, then the party level range would be Level 76 - 86, because in order to share experience, every member of the party should atleast have a difference of 10 levels or less. If the level difference is 11, then you can't share experience.

Also, the party limit is 12 people, so choose your members wisely. You don't want 11 precasters and 1 priest without a bragi slave sad.gif

2.1 - From my experience being in various Nameless Parties [lol 5, but lets face it its pretty easy to understand what to do], a full party to me would mean having:
A Monk/Champ [Tanking mobs with Steel Body]
A Priest/High Priest [Healing,Resurrection,Magnum Exorcism, Turn Undead,etc;]
A Hunter/Sniper [Banshee killers, since mages are really horrible against Banshees]
A Bard/Clown [Bragi, one of the best skills ever, allows faster casting and less delay]
A Wizard/High Wizard [AoE skills to clear mobs, and also freezing Banshees I guess]
A Crusader/Paladin [Devotion, helps prevent deaths of low max health classes].

That's about it I think, but this does not mean the rest of the classes are useless, they can help too, except this are the much more preferred classes when it comes to Nameless Parties.

3. What to do as a member
To make it look easier, my MS Paint skills will come into effect!
Scenario 1:

Scenario 2: [Every class in the party, lol if you manage to find one].

3.1 - What to do as a Job Class:
Knight/Lord Knight:
Melee, melee and more melee. Theres a high chance that you'll get killed but don't worry, you'll survive if you have a really good priest with you. Spear boomerang helps too, plus you don't have to go melee. Get an Aspersio from a priest since they it'll allow you to do holy damage, which is great against Nameless Mobs. For Lord Knight, parrying is pretty decent when tanking as it prevents you from being damaged by melee spells at a 50% chance, its so pro! Aspersio'd Spiral pierce is pretty good too, especially on Banshees.

Devotion works wonders, a sonic blow by a slaughter would one hit a wizard, but with devotion, the wizard won't die! Crusaders are really useful. Don't bother meleeing in my opinion, your job would be to protect those that do better damages, like Wizards and Hunters. An occasional shield boomerang/grand cross would help too if you're not afraid of dying.

Wizard/High Wizard:
AoE skills are great in Nameless. Storm Gust does really lots of damage because Undead can't freeze, so instead of 3 hits, you hit 10 with storm gust. Also with bragi, you'll cast faster. Despite being fragile, if you can land AoEs well and avoid dying, you're pro. Storm gust is also effective on banshees as it stops them from coming near you, unless the storm gust knocks them to you lol. Also, on a side note, if there are 2 or more wizards in the party, 1 Wizard should Storm gust and the other Meteor Storm, since Storm Gust does not stack.

Bolts I guess, fire bolts on undead, and if theres only a Banshee, firebolt it too! Basically as a sage, your job is to deal damage with bolts, and since you have freecast, you can walk around while casting! How pro is that? For Professors, with soul change and health conversion, you can provide your party with unlimited SP, therefore speeding up the leveling process without SP breaks.

Main damage dealers on Banshees imo. Double Strafe banshees with Holy Arrows/Arrows of Counter Evil and watch them die. If you run out of sp, use normal attack, helps too. Basically your job is to strafe stuff with your insane long range attacks. Also, if you can use traps effectively, Ankle Snares to lock them at a position so they won't melee you and Skid Trap so incase one of the mob avoids storm gust, it'll skid right back to the AoE spell!

Your job is pretty easy, just bragi and autofollow the casters. An occasional music strike helps too! For Clowns, arrow vulcan if theres another bard using bragi. Once again, Holy arrows and Arrows of Counter Evil for maximum damage.

Same as knight, melee and more melee. If you have a tomahawk, thats pro too, throw tomahawk! Party buffs like Maximize Weapon etc; also help too. As a whitesmith, cart termination helps, but kinda costly, I guess. But if you're rich, go ahead! Aspersio for holy weapon, maximizing damage.

Not much to say about this class, I mean, why would you waste bottles leveling when you have a party. But then, if you're rich, feel free to acid demo as a creator or acid bomb as an alchemist. If you have a homunculus, that helps too, especially the spell casting one. Melee works too! Remember Aspersio! Also alchemist/creators can act as healers by using potion pitcher, which is comparable to a priest's heal. A linked alchemist/creator is also able to use Berserk pitcher, which is useful in increasing attack speed for physical attackers.

Assassin/Assassin Cross:
Hide, grimtooth! An occasional sonic blow on Banshees help too. Backslide to get away incase you're dying. As an assassin cross, with bragi, you're able to spam Soul Breaker which does decent damage, and meteor assault for mobs. Once again, Aspersio for maximum damage. For support, detoxify helps poisoned people, as zombies tend to randomly poison anyone that's in their range.

Plagarize storm gust, use it. Double Strafing helps too. Try not to lose storm gust when you're deep down in Nameless, its a hassle to go to pvp and get it back. Using steal when your party is attacking is pro, you might get an equipment like Wool Scarf! For support, detoxify helps poisoned people, as zombies tend to randomly poison anyone that's in their range.

Priest/High Priest:
Basically you heal the tank, you heal people who've been damaged, you buff them with Bless/Increase Agi, you give them party buffs like Magnificent and Gloria, you ressurect them when the're dead, you Magnum Exorcism when you have free time, you turn undead when you think you're lucky, you Aspersio melee attackers. Thats about it, you're important. When you die, and nobody has yggdrasil leafs, your party is over.

With Steel Body, you're able to tank mobs easily with a priest healing you. Try not to get too many mobs though, you might die. For non tanking monks, melee! For Champions, throw spirit sphere works too. Once again, Aspersio! Also if there is a professor in the party, feel free to spam Asura Strike. Its pretty pro to see DEATH words coming out.

Soul Linkers:
If you have soul linker buff, thats pro, but I hardly see any linkers with them. Soul Linkers help by buffing party members, like giving Priest Link which allows the priest to deal x5 damage of Holy Light, or Assassin Link which gives bonus damage for Sonic Blow, or Bard Link, which cancels out the movement speed reduction when playing a song. Also, according to Celestial, Soul Linkers do beautifully with Esma against, well, everything down there!

Spells like Crimson Fire Blossom, Dragon Fire Formation etc; works well against undead mobs since the're weak to fire. Water Escape Technique is also good as it lowers the mobs movement speed, preventing the mobs from overrunning you.

Madness Canceller, and shoot away! Holy Bullets is a must I guess. Fullbuster for single target attacks which do decent damage, and Desperado when mobs appear!

Taekwon/Star Gladiator:
Enchant your attack with holy property and melee. If you have warmth of the [insert skill here], and you've memo'd the place, then use it. Pretty good.

SP Song for the win. Increases everyone's sp! Also vulcan arrow helps.

Super Novice:
Bless and Increase agi is helpful when a priest is out of SP. Also, Super Novice can use bolt spells, which is pretty good too. Having a cart allows carrying of more Blue Gems etc; in case the others have no space in their inventory/is overweight.

4. Taking on Nameless Mobs
Well Nameless mobs consist of Undead, Shadow and Demon.
Lets start with the easier ones:

Ghoul - Probably the easiest mob in the dungeon, its a joke. Seriously. Any holy enchanted weapon/holy elemental weapon should be able to take it down. Only thing annoying is that it can poison you, but meh, green herbs should do it.

Hell Poodle - Fairly easy, although the sonic blow might hurt a bit. Its also annoying in a sense that it'll interrupt Wizard's cast, allowing the harder mobs to fight back. Then again, its easy to get rid off. Once again, holy enchanted weapon works.

Flame Skull - Lol fireball. Another annoying mob that can actually 'run' to you, if not too careful, you'll actually get killed by it. Also annoying as it'll interrupt wizard's cast. Immaterial arrows should do the trick, or a ghost property weapon [Rare imo], or Soul Strike.

Ragged Zombie - This thing actually kills people. Double strafe hurts. Pneuma does the trick though. Fire spells and holy enchanted weapons do the trick. Will also mess up your cast so its better for someone without a casting time to take it out.

Now for the harder ones:

Zombie Slaughter - Its sonic blow is enough to one hit classes with low base hp, like wizards/hunters. Knockback spells like Jupitel Thunder/Charge Arrow should keep it away from you. Poison/Darkness attack hurts, but I've only seen slaughters sonic blow me, so meh. Fire spells/Holy enchanted weapons should do the trick once again.

Banshee - Crazy resistance, its annoyingly hard to take down because of its resistance to almost every element, therefore wizards are pretty useless fighting Banshees because the'll die first. Evil Land is like a damaging sanctuary so casters should get out of the area. Soul Strike of Darkness hurts too so try not to get close to it, let the tankers do the job. Wide Curse, I hardly see it using it but if she uses it, lol at you. Holy elemental weapons/spells should do the trick. Magnums Exorcism comes in handy too.

Necromancer - A pretty decent mob with excellent exp. It can summon 2 Zombie Slaughters, which is really annoying thanks to sonic blow and painful melee attacks. Necromancers can also use Thunderstorm, which can one hit most people, try to avoid it when you see the AoE circle on you. He has reflect shield so if you're low on hp, don't melee it. I hardly see it meteor storm, so meh. Quagmire slows your movement/casting speed, so get out of it. If I'm not wrong, he has a skill [I think Critical Wound] which prevents you from being healed, so when you see yourself glowing green, don't tank, because priests can't heal you. A combination of AoE spells like Storm Gust/Meteor Storm/Magnum Exorcism and single target spells like Double Strafe should do the trick. Just be careful of the Necro's AoE. Thats all.

Special mentions:
MVPS like Fallen Bishop/Beezelbub.
Obviously, run away before it kills you. I've never seen Bishop before but Beezelbub can one hit a whole party with that insane AoE skill, Hell's Judgement or something. Basically when you see a chonchon like monster in abbey03, run. Don't stop, run. You don't want to lose experience over some crappy fly right?

5. Death

5.1 - Why you're dead
You messed up and therefore you're dead like the above screenshot. You're dead probably because of the following reasons:
- Beezelbub came across you, and you shortly die in a few seconds.
- A Necromancer spawned on you, used its AoE before it could be stopped, the Zombie Slaughters sonic blow everyone, priests can't outheal, everyone dies.
- Lag
- You run headfirst into the mob, disregarding anyone's advice that you're a Wizard.
- Afk
- List more reasons here.

5.2 - What to do?
Now that you and your party is dead, you have the following options:
- One of your party member was smart enough to fly wing away, and has a yggdrasil leaf. Obviously you resurrect the Priest first so he can resurrect the rest.
- Regroup in Prontera, because your party might be lacking a key member, like a Banshee Killer or something.
- Wait for another Nameless Party to pass by, and ask for resu pls!1!
- Or, if your party member fly wings away, but has no leafs, get him to buy one from that shop in abbey03, its pretty pro. I've always seen him there in all the nameless parties I've been. Its called Blah?
- One of you restarts back to Prontera, get a 100 fly wings, and fly wing all the way back to abbey03, and then resurrect the Priest.
- Thats about it.

6. Extra stuff:

6.1 - Usable Items:
Be sure to at least carry these things if you can afford them:
Grape Juice [When you don't have SP and theres no Professor with you, you can't possibly have an SP Break during a mob attack rite D:]
Yggdrasil Leaf [When you somehow survive when everyone else, including the priest, is dead. Resurrect the priest so he can resurrect the others.]
Fly Wings [To warp around in case you encounter Beezelbub and you can't escape it by walking.]
Butterfly Wing [Important so you won't lose experience! Like example if you see your party getting overruned, and you can't do anything, butterfly wing away to avoid losing experience! But you'll get kicked out of the party for doing this and plus, you're an ass. Used to warp back to town when your party leader is tired, people have to go and you need to reorganize your party etc;]
Merchant with a cart Double client a merchant incase of emergencies, like when you run out of arrows or something. Pretty useful, but double clienting might lag you.]

6.2 - Equips in Nameless
Equips don't really matter in Nameless, since based on my experience, I'm only using a Rod[4], thats it. But anyway, if you'll like to reduce the damage from the mobs in Nameless,
a Hodremlin carded shield would work. Skeleton Prisoner card is nice too, giving extra 10% Exp from Undead enemies. Really, its not neccesary, but lol feel free to +4 your equips to reduce more damage, so you won't get one hit'd by Sonic blow/Thunder Storm, which is happening to me alot. Also, bathory card helps to prevent Necromancers from giving tankers the undead status, bathory also reduces Thunder Storm damage and nulifies Banshee's Soul Strike. Pretty pro if you can get your hands on one.

6.3 - Camping
Basically camping means the whole party stays at a certain spot while the tank(s), usually a Lord Knight/Monk/Champion, run around the map dragging mobs. Although I've not tested out this method, mini says camping in Abbey01 is a great way to obtain Wool Scarfs + Tidal Shoes, which are really pro equips which give +10% Maximum HP when equipped together. So, feel free to use this method when hunting stuff, since Abbey03 has more mobs with experiences (Lol necromancers).

Kudo's to Slayerdon for the guide!


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