1.stalker types+builds
- -Plagiarism/Preserve Stalker [PGSMSTK]
-Caster Stalker [CSTSTK]
-Damage Dealer Stalker [DDSTK]
-Support Stalker [SPTSTK]
3.equip [EQPGUIDE]
4.woe [WOEGUIDE]
The acronyms in brackets above are for you jump to the respective section of the guide (just use ctrl+f and type the acronym of the section you desire to check)

The basic for a stalker, being it plagiarism caster/physical, or bow with double strafe, is full strip which is a must for all types of stalker for pvp/woe needs, so dex is to consider the main stat for this class, the others are changeable for the stalker type needs

1.stalker types + builds
Before beginning a little summary about stat "whattheydo"....
- -You get an ATK bonus every 10 str points. The formula is ATK = (STR/10)^2, rounding down the amount STR/10(so for example with 50 STR points you get a 25 ATK bonus), so if you wanna do a physical stalker keep str on multiple of 10.
-Every point of STR you get a +30 bonus on the weight amount you can carry
- -Each AGI point increases your flee rate by 1
-Each AGI point increases your ASPD of a small amount different for each class and also for each weapon you use(so as we have a stat resetter in prontera when it comes to increasing agi do it till you see the aspd increases)
- -Each VIT point you get a bonus of +1% hp, -0.8 dmg received, +2% healing from potions etc
-Also VIT decreases the chances you ll get stun, poison and silence (100 vit nullifies these statuses)
- -Each INT point you get a bonus of +1 MATK, +1% SP, -1 dmg from magical atks
-You get a MATK bonus every 5 points of INT
-Also INT decreases the chances you ll get blind, sleep, stone curse
- -Each DEX point increaes HIT by 1
-Each DEX point increases your ASPD of a small amount different for each class and also for each weapon you use
-Each DEX point increases the ATK with long range weapons by 1 and you get a bonus ATK with these weapons every 10 points of DEX; the formula is (DEX/10)^2
-Each DEX point reduces cast time for skills by 2/3(or 0,66 if you prefer still "nocast" is 150 DEX anyway)
- -Kinda useless for stalkers in my opinion if they don t try the crit one still it gives resistence to all the statuses mentioned above
...AND a few references for skills description+effects and skill trees
From ratemyserver.net with love: skills (rogue), skills (stalker), skill planner and skill tree from rocards.de (link is for the page where you can choose your class, being it rogue or stalker)
This part of the guide is studied for pvp woe purposes; for exp or other matters we ll get at those at the dedicated session, plus i will keep kinda vague anyway as i think you have to make your build with what you feel more comfortable with, based on your experience.These go with the different skills each type mainly use, the most common ones are:
-Plagiarism/Preserve Stalker [PGSMSTK]:
- The Kakashi of the situation, you'll get to copy the skill they cast at you and then not lose it at the next one you get as you would have being a rogue, this thanks to preserve.The limitation gravity put at the skill is that you cannot learn skills from advanced classes and you needed to satisfy the skill requirements anyway(so forget about a stalker with asura or grimtooth);plus the preserve effect is dispellable so be ready to click on your preserve macro again

- Snatcher lv 4
Steal coin lv 4
Backstab lv 4
Tunnel Drive lv 5
Raid lv 5
Strip Weapon lv 5
Strip Shield lv 5
Strip Armor lv 5
Strip Helm lv 5
Intimidate lv 5
Plagiarism lv 10
Chase walk lv 5
Reject sword lv 1(more you can t get :/)
Preserve lv 1
Full Strip lv 5
Being around both magical and physical skills we got 2 builds for casters and physical dds
-Caster stalker[CSTSTK]:
- Build is most similar to wizard's one:
str:**(what remains from dex,int and vit to get some more weight)
agi:1(having to add many points in dex and int for cast time/dmg you wouldn t get much flee anyway)
vit:around 30-40 to get some hp but not to be oneshotted by ads
int:70-80 how you feel most comfortable with but keep in mind to get a multiple of 5 with bonuses too for the matk bonus like 83+12=95)
dex:99(cast is all

Good skills to learn are:
-Storm Gust(AoE)
-Meteor Storm(AoE)
-Jupitel Thunder(single target)
-Lighting Spear of Ice(single target)
-Water Ball (only for WoE purposes or PvP with ninja/sage though)
-Damage Dealer Physical Stalker [DDSTK]:
- Build varies if u wanna make a stalker with powerful skills or a continuosly hitting one that could even break emperiums

str: 80-90
agi: around 70 for high atk speed with berserk potion(keep multiple of 6 for aspd bonus)
vit: around 40
dex: 70-80(the higher the better for full strip)
the most used skills for this classes are kinght's bowling bash(never tried mammonite though) to dmg players and monk's triple atk also for emp break, lvl 5 is preferred as i ve been told even though it deals less dmg it "turn in" much more than higher lvl ones. A tip for people who uses bb is to screw the point in reject sword, add one in vulture eye and start bashing with bow modifying the build like this:
-"Support" Stalker[SPTSTK]:
- Well it's not like it supports people but it's a "build" which doesn't rely on any particular skills exception made for te usual full strip and now Remove Trap" from this the title "support", it's a build i used myself for some time and well it comes in handy when u can t get through cuz of traps. As a pre-reuisite for remove trap is double strafe, i d say this type of stalker is mostly bow type too even though u can switch to cranial+combat knife or such under atk

Skills(for bow users):
- Vulture's Eye lv 10
Double Strafing lv 10
Remove Trap lv 1
Snatcher lv 4
Steal Coin lv 2
Tunnel Drive lv 5
Strip Weapon lv 5
Strip Shield lv 5
Strip Armor lv 5
Strip Helm lv 5
Chase Walk lv 5
Reject Sword lv 5
Full Strip lv 5
Skills(for "bow sucks" guys):
- *Double Strafe lv 5
*Sword Mastery lv 7(so at least if u choose to go hitting someone u can deal some dmg more lol)
Not having anything to use in particular i'd say u can focus on full strip and "staying alive" or you could just copy the dd build above mentioned if u wanna try dealing some minor dmg. I'd say stats appear like this for bow ones(or dagger with status cards like magnolia or metaller your choice)
str:**(same as caster i assume)
agi:about 80
vit: usual 30-40
int:a bit for sp maybe?
think it's all for now o.o
PS: for all the builds i suggested above i considered first the ad menace vs being stunned, be mindful on that (onehit ad>stun at least in my opinion). Also i didn t consider a "backstab" skill tree cuz even being a powerful skill, it's really hard to use as you always have to be behind your target to use it successfully(the only reasonable occassion where i'd see some use for it would be hitting a breaker while he's on emp as he would keep atking emp while you backstab him from behind)
For the always useful "Close Confine" quest skill, which is obtainable as rogue, here's a link to help you out getting it --> That's me
A tip when using close confine:
- -In PvP, it's effect will be cancelled as soon as the target or yourself suffers from a skill that causes movement (for example storm gust or magnum break or smite and so on) plus if the target hides sometimes he ll free himself of the skill, plus if someone is under spider web prof skill effect it's better to leave him in that trap, as you ll cancel spider web if you close confine him(there are no ways to escape spider web (maybe land protector) while it's a lot easier to escape from close confine)
-In WoE, as all "forced movements" from skills are disabled you ll only have to care about hiding and spider web

Here we get how to exp, assuming u don t start with a 99/70

- Base stats as novice are 9 dex,9 agi,9 int, you won t need str much as by simply talking to both npcs beside you, you ll get a +7 knife, a poring party hat and a +4 cotton shirt(way to go we're rich !!). I think it comes natural as novice to finish off the 10 job lvls at the beginner's map( and btw focus on increasing dex alone, that's all you ll need for now) so i ll pass to thief directly.
- Get yourself a decent bow to start with, if u cannot allow yourself at least a great bow from payon weapon seller, sell the poring party hat and boost your finances by 15k. This done, get to sunken ship and save up on fire arrow quivers by buying directly fire arrows from the tool dealer on the lower right part of the map; equipped with a crappy bow and a bunch of fire arrows let's get to work

Our first training spot will be payon dungeon level 1, you ll get both levels and a bit of cash thanks to skull rings and maces
Once you got to level 30 or so, get back town, get a few fly wings and use warpra to get to ice dungeon; once there exit and kill all the plant-like mobs you see there, caring to avoid the gryphons and galions roaming around (that's what fly wings are for, u won t be able to escape from them on foot) and also droseras as they got a quite long atk radius plus a "ranged" close confine. Keep spreading death till you get to about 120-130 hit, then you can move to the field north of einbroch, which is filled with geos and no aggressive monsters.Keep killing till you get to the desired job(personally i got to 50 jlvl, but since the only things you need are double attack, increase dodge and hiding i think 46 or so are enough to get those at lvl 10 plus envemon).
Congrats, you reached rogue-ness

- Go back to geos and get some more job levels.
Well, now you can choose mainly 2 paths: keep going with your bow skills (you can get double strafe now btw simply by getting vulture eye lv 10) and kill geos or seal(you ll need wind arrows for those: if you don t have an hunter friend to ask for some or to give wind of verdure to, just make another char you' ll turn into an archer for his crafting arrow skill, comes in handy if you wanna save up on ammos(btw for wind of verdures go and kill grand pecos 2 maps north and one left of aldebaran)) till you are like level 80 or so, then you can easily go at stings which will need fire arrows(stings give both good exp and gloves that you ll need as stripper, but you can also sell them with a vending merchant).
Your other choice is to get plagiarism and learn some good mass skills to level with, it's a risky choice as you don t get preserve as rogue but well, it's worth the risk if you ask me: my personal choice is "claymore trap" from hunter (remember the archer we made for crafting? go and level him up!! XD well a level 60-70 hunter is more than enough for this plus, well, you gain one more char

Explicative video
Or for the 56k lovers, some screens:
-Get Your Mob Together
-OMG Ph34r <-- hide to get the mob all on one cell -Slooowly <-- move away a little not to be raped as soon as you get out of hiding -Ownage !!<-- the result after putting down the trap

(Not that great pics but i hope you got the mechanics)
That's how i mob at least

-Just one
You ll easily get to 99 with this method if you are good enough
Not much changes from rogue to stalker in exp methods, exception made for preserve that will throw away the menace of losing your skill for an atk.
I'd suggest to level rogue with bow at stings then as stalker get cocky and mob in rachel or also stalactic golems(north comodo cavern)

3. equip [EQPGUIDE]
Im focusing on woe/pvp gear keep it in mind and i ll put gear both for "the class needs"(caster needs dex=dex gear for example) and to resist other players atks(anti demi-human gear to put it simple), this to satisfy people that would prefer defence on attack.
Plagiarism Stalker
- Caster Stalker
- Everything that helps getting minor cast times is welcome
-Upper headgear: Ulles Cap /Apple o' Archer/Feather Beret
-Mid headgear: Opera Masque(equipping it fills both mid and lower headgear)/ Sunglasses
-Lower headgear:Any/Opera Masque(equipping it fills both mid and lower headgear)
- *Card:Maya Purple, Orc Hero(dreaming~), Leaf Cat, Giant Hornet(these 2 for elemental resistance), Gibbet, Gemini(AGI>90=+30% resistance vs stun & silence while VIT>80=+30% resistance vs sleep & stone, Isilla (+2 int and reduces cast time)
-Armor:Valkyrie Armor(heavy though)/formal suit(adds 5 mdef too)
- *Card: evil druid, marc, ghostring or peco peco, detale if we wanna dream xD
-Shield:Valkyria shield
- *Card: Thara Frog
-Garment: Valk Manteau/Pauldron/Ragamuffin Manteau/Wool Scarf(combo with tidal shoes)
- *Card: Noxious, Raydric, Jakk, Dustiness, Marse(last three for elemental defence)
-Shoes: Valk Shoes[1](cuz they can be used by every class but a boost to sp is not that great for a stalker and boots[1] give the same def so, why not these cheaper ones~)/tidal shoes[1]
- *Card:Matyr, Ancient Firelock(if +9 at least), Verit, Amon Ra (still dreaming)
-Accessories: Rosary[1],Dex Vesper Cores, Gloves[1], Orlean Gloves[1]
- *Card:Zerom, Marine Sphere(anti-chase walk), Horong(anti-hide/cloacking)
-Weapon:Main gauche[4]/Bazelard/Combat Knife/Cowardice Blade[2]
- *Card:Drops,Fabre(for cowardice blade)
°°(i m not putting *** of striptease cuz i don t think 5% more strip chance is that much but if anyone can tell me it truly makes the difference i ll add it)
DD Stalker
- -Upper headgear: Marionette Doll/ Hot-blooded Headband/Alice Doll(when implemented)/Feather Beret
-Mid headgear: Slotted Sunglasses/Opera Masque(equipping it fills both mid and lower headgear)
-Lower headgear:Opera Masque(equipping it fills both mid and lower headgear)
*Card:Maya Purple, Orc Hero(dreaming~), Leaf Cat, Giant Hornet(these 2 for elemental resistance), Gibbet, Gemini(AGI>90=+30% resistance vs stun & silence while VIT>80=+30% resistance vs sleep & stone curse), Stalactic Golem(+1 def and +20% stun resistance),Cramp, Deviruchi(+1 str, no blind), Vanberk Card!
-Armor:Valkyrie Armor(heavy though)/formal suit(adds 5 mdef too)
- *Card: evil druid, marc, ghostring or peco peco, detale if we wanna dream xD
-Shield:Valkyria shield
- *Card: Thara Frog
-Garment: Valk Manteau/Pauldron/Ragamuffin Manteau/Wool Scarf(combo with tidal shoes)
- *Card: Noxious, Raydric, Jakk, Dustiness, Marse(last three for elemental defence)
-Shoes: Valk Shoes[1](cuz they can be used by every class but a boost to sp is not that great for a stalker and boots[1] give the same def so, why not these cheaper ones~)/tidal shoes[1]
- *Card:Matyr, Ancient Firelock(if +9 at least), Verit
-Accessories: Rosary[1],Str Vesper Cores, Rings[1]
- *Card:Mantis, Tarou(with cramp combo), Marine Sphere(anti-chase walk), Horong(anti-hide/cloacking)
-Weapon:Mes[3]/Composite Bow[4](if you can get more than 120 dex total, else get crossbows)/Combat Knife/Cowardice Blade[2]
- *Card:Hydra,Skeleton Worker(2 hydra, 1 sw for mes/2 hydra,2 skel worker for compo bow),Fabre(for cowardice blade)
Support Stalker
- -Upper headgear: Feather Beret
-Mid headgear: Slotted Sunglasses/ Opera Masque(equipping it fills both mid and lower headgear)
-Lower headgear:Opera Masque(equipping it fills both mid and lower headgear)
*Card:Maya Purple, Orc Hero(dreaming~), Leaf Cat, Giant Hornet(these 2 for elemental resistance), Gibbet, Gemini(AGI>90=+30% resistance vs stun & silence while VIT>80=+30% resistance vs sleep & stone curse), Stalactic Golem(+1 def and +20% stun resistance),Cramp, Vesper Card
-Armor:Valkyrie Armor(heavy though)/formal suit(adds 5 mdef too)
- *Card: evil druid, marc, ghostring or peco peco, detale if we wanna dream xD
-Shield:Valkyrie shield
- *Card: Thara Frog
-Garment: Valk Manteau/Pauldron/Ragamuffin Manteau/Wool Scarf(combo with tidal shoes)
- *Card: Noxious, Raydric, Jakk, Dustiness, Marse(last three for elemental defence)
-Shoes: Valk Shoes[1](cuz they can be used by every class but a boost to sp is not that great for a stalker and boots[1] give the same def so, why not these cheaper ones~)/tidal shoes[1]
- *Card:Matyr, Ancient Firelock(if +9 at least), Verit
-Accessories: Rosary[1],Str Vesper Cores, Rings[1], Safety ring
- *Card:Mantis, Tarou(with cramp combo), Marine Sphere(anti-chase walk), Horong(anti-hide/cloacking)
-Weapon:Mes[3]/Main gauche[4]/Composite Bow[4](if you can get more than 120 dex total, else get crossbows)/Combat Knife/Cowardice Blade[2]
- *Card:Hydra,Skeleton Worker(2 hydra, 1 sw for mes/2 hydra,2 skel worker for compo bow),Fabre(for cowardice blade), Magnolia, Metaller, Breeze(for statuses in main gauche)
For any other purposes you can check through the equipment sets avaiable for any occasion like: odin blessing+valkyria shield+frig circlet for mdef ,magni cap+odin blessing+stone buckler for str+high def and so on

The main core of RO if you ask me, here i ll just post some tips from my experience of what each type of stalker should do, plus in the end of the section i ll link an old map i arranged for personal uses of holy shadow preemp room; there i ll let you see where i'd put the stalker for each type.
A common line for stalkers in woe/pvp is their "main" enemy: creator's skill Full Chemical Protection" which will annihilate your full strip chances to a dramatic 0 so, if you find a player that should have low dex but stangely resists many times to full strip(for example a sinx emp-breaker) it's probably because of this and if you can t deal much dmg to him just try your luck with another player OR if that one is really dangerous(the above mentioned emp breaker could have 2 megs and 190 aspd dunno o.o) focus on close confining him to keep him away from emp/precast/whatever
- BE MINDFUL: sage's skill dispel and clown's/dancer's wand of hermode affects preserve too, so keep an eye on the buffs and be ready to get preserve again if they dispel it, also use it as soon as you spawn from death better safe then sorry. You can avoid sages dispel by getting the rogue link from a fellow soul linker but wand of hermode will remove all buffs anyway(including rogue link) exception made for full chemical protection. Here's a list of the benefits you ll gain from rogue link:
- Dispell no longer removes your buffs.
- Potions created by someone who is high on the alchemist rank have their effect increased.
- STR bonus from Tunnel Drive will last 5 minutes and walking speed will also increase.
(found on ratemyserver.net)
-Under spirit effect, you ll have a bonus on walk speed while in chase walk(my personal spirit favorite effect lol)
Caster Stalker
- Caster=Precast i hope that comes natural BUT you could also precast from the melee atkers position, so you can strip 1 or 2 people that doesn t seem to die. If in your guild there's a ninja you can ask him to use the "Water Escape Tecnique" under your feet as it allows the usage of waterball as deluge but doesn t vanish after you cast waterball, plus lighting spear of ice is more effective on it. Close confine here isn t that useful for you: if you cast storm gust it's not good to have a lk continuosly hitting you cuz you close confined him

I 'd say you ll cover a 35% role as precaster, 55% stripping, 10% support (meaning close confine

DD Stalker
- With melee atkers of course, behind the set of trap or in a small group in front of the gate, first close confine him and try stripping the target a few times and then, being it stripped or not, start attacking(trying sometimes to strip him if you didn t succeed before, hoping he was just lucky and not with full chemical protection on). As a stalker you have the advantage of a 14 str bonus if u stay enough in chase walk which lasts for not much if you are not linked but it's always something

Support Stalker
- As your main role is unrevealed in atks, now what you can mostly do is stay near the gate and block any incoming player and start bashing them, double strafing them to death or inflicting abnormal statuses and, of course, strip them.
Here's an ideal situation for defence and where are situated the main parts of it:
Holy Shadow Preemp aerial view
The entrance is recognizable by the (6) dot on the map (it doesn t have any special meaning, it's just the sixth gate of the castle i assume)
Commenting the colored areas:
- The white one near the gate is the one dedicated to the first melee dd party
-The red areas are the areas occupied by traps
-The blueish area is occupied by the precast
-The green on is occupied by the trapping snipers+second group of melee dd
A caster stalker should stay or in the green or in the blueish area
A DD/support stalker should stay or in the white area or in the green one
This is quite the same for all types, you're not exactly a paladin, so it's better if you wait for the main tankers to get in, then enter yourself when the heavy part of the precast is gone exception made for the support type, which could prove himself quite useful removing traps if guild is out of hunters/snipers so try and get useful already !
The items you ll need through the war, deffing or atking it may be:
- -Blue Potion: expensive but efficient, heals a good amount of sp and weights not too much for your sp needs, you can get these at the custom feelRO item seller located in prontera
-Honeys: sobstitute of blue potions, they don t heal much but well if you don t have anything else.. you can get these only from mobs so start hunting

-Mastellas:Best choice for hp if we don t plan on potting with berries or seeds, weight is really low and it heals even more then whites, the only problem they have: hard to drop / really expensive at the shop(same npc as blue potions)
-White Potion: your average choice for hp, heals a decent amount and isn t that expensive BUT it weights "a little" so you ll probably try getting...
-Condensed White Potion:Heals the same but it weights a lot less, the problem here is it's reperibility as you can get these only through a potter alchemist/creator that will make them with a white potion, an empty test tube and a witched starsand
-Yddgrasil Berry: The ultimate healing item?Heals both hp and sp to the max and i assume 50 weight isn t much for that effect, but you can get them only from mvps, castles treasure boxes, shining plants or bapho jr (at least these are the most common ones i know of)
-Yggdrasil Seeds: they weight less then berries but heals just half hp/sp, obtainable from shining plant, castle treasure boxes, mvps
-Any stats boosting item you can get your hands on?:depending on your stalker choice you ll need a different type of food: str, dex, agi, vit for dd or support/dex, int, vit for caster. Some are dropped by monsters (like +10 vit food from hydro) or with cards (like the +3 dex food with green iguana card) but you can create them too with cooking;-> HERE <- you ll find all the info you need on every type of food and what you need
You must get filled with these items till 89% of your total weight(we don t want to end all our supplies while in combat do we?)
and here is the promised nude!

well, i can t see any clothes on it at least.
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