α: Leveling your Alchemist.
β: Stats.
γ: Equipment.
δ: The Homunculus
ε: Hunting for ingredients.
ζ: Potion creation.
α: Leveling your Alchemist.
If you plan on using Summon Flora, take into consideration how dense the monster population of the map is, how the monsters are effected by fire and ice when
using a spell sword, and if there are any monsters who have the ability to bypass Hide. And remember to have the plant visible on your screen. No sense
letting it kill things if you won't be getting experience for them. None of the other Alchemist skills are typically possible to justify using for leveling
purposes, considering the cost. Which is why some people consider Creators "High maintenance".
Just a quick explanation; the number listed before the monster is the amount of said monster which spawns on the map. For "Items of worth", it's based off
what you'll most likely be killing on the map at an appropriate level.
Culverts Level 4:

When to Level Here:
Early on as an Alchemist.
Recommended Equipment:
Insecticide/Brutal Weapons, Gargantua/Brutal Bucklers.
Items of Worth: Guard [1].
Home of Golden Thief Bug. You won't have to worry about the MVP, as it's passive and generally killed quite quickly by MVP hunters. Your only real concern
should be the Cramps, but the loud squeaking noise they make can be heard long before they are encountered. Just make sure to rotate the camera quite often
here, in order to see around corners or past the irritating beams that get in your way. If you're not capable of efficiently taking on the Cramps yet, simply
bring a good amount of fly wings to avoid them and stick with mobs of Male Thief Bugs. The job experience here isn't anything amazing, but it's a good place
to start your Alchemist at.
70: Male Thief Bug: Insect, Medium, Shadow 1.
20: Drainliar: Brute, Small, Shadow 2.
20: Female Thief Bug: Insect, medium, Shadow 1.
20: Thief Bug Egg: Formless, small, Normal 3.
20: Thief Bug: Insect, Small, Shadow 1.
5: Cramp: Brute, Small, Poison 2.
1: Golden Thief Bug: Insect, Large, Fire 2
Orc Dungeon Level 2:

When to Level Here:
Early on as an Alchemist, once you have 120+ hit for Zenorcs. It's always best to be able to kill a mob quickly before you are overwhelmed. And it's also
good not to waste money on potions.
Recommended Equipment:
Bloody/Boned/Clamorous Weapons, Cranial Buckler.
Items of Worth:
Zenorc's Fang, Orc Helm, Rough Oridecon/Elunium.
A small and fairly crowded map. It's easy to get in over your head with a mob if you're not too high a level. The Zenorcs are looters, so a good way to
gather them is to drop a useless piece of loot, then use Cart Revolution on the resulting group. Be wary of people who dump mobs of Orc Skeletons and
Drainliars on you in search of Zenorcs, as a large group of them can eat through your hp, and this is only compounded by the Skeleton's critical attack
skill. Although they have a terrible hit rate on their normal attacks. The Skeletons drop Orc Helms; an excellent headgear to use in PvM until you can afford
an fully refined Bone Helm. Zenorcs will also occasionally drop a yellow potion, which is welcome.
50: Zenorc: Demi-Human, Medium, Shadow 1.
50: Orc Skeleton: Undead, Medium, Undead 1.
20: Steel Chonchon: Insect, Small, Wind 1.
20: Drainliar: Brute, Small, Shadow 2.
5: Orc Archer: Demi-Human, Medium, Earth 1.
5: White Plant: Plant, Small, Earth 1.
Toy Factory Level 2:

When to Level Here:
Early on as an Alchemist.
Recommended Equipment:
Formless/Boned/Bloody Weapons, Cranial Buckler.
Items of Worth: Old Blue Box. This place is also a gold mine for anyone first starting off. Cake(s), Pearl(s) especially will get you a good amount of Zeny
with a 25% increase in sell value with Overcharge. (AKA it's a steal.)
Another map that's good for your initial leveling stages. The only thing you really have to worry about here is getting hit by a ninja Storm Gust from Stormy
Knight; however, it's generally easy to notice that it's spawned, as the map will have high level characters teleporting about in search of it. Myst Cases
will use the hallucination skill on you, which will both causing you to flinch from every attack regardless of whether or not in actually came in contact
with you, and give your screen a wavy effect. The latter is easily countered with /effect. They also have a low level Mammonite and Spear Stab. The latter is
annoying, as it can cause some location glitching. Especially if you're being attacking by a few Crusiers. The green Cookies will heal any monster you're
attacking for roughly 300 hp, and the red Cookies will use Lex Aeterna on you.
55: Myst Case: Formless, Medium, Normal 3.
40: Cruiser: Formless, Medium, Normal 3.
20: Cookie (Christmas): Demi-Human, Small, Holy 2.
20: Cookie: Demi-Human, Small, Normal 3.
1: Stormy Knight: Formless, Large, Wind 4.
1: Baby Hatii: Brute, Medium, Water 2.
Bylan Level 4:

When to Level Here:
Early on as an Alchemist.
Recommended Equipment:
Fisher/Saharic/Wind Weapons, Cranial/Homer's Buckler/of Athena, Swordfish Armor.
Items of Worth:
Phen Card, Hydra Card, Marc Card, Detonator, Tendon.
A fairly crowded map. A good amount of monsters, and a good amount of bots. This is mostly due to the valuable rares here; namely, the cards listed above.
It's a good idea to use a Swordfish carded armor here, in order to avoid the water element attacks, the Swordfish's Waterball, and to reduce the damage of an
explosion from Marine Spheres. Speaking of Marine Spheres, one of the most enjoyable things you can do here is try to kill a bot by setting one off next to
it. Don't do this regularly; the last thing you want to accomplish is the accidental killing of a real player. In any case, the -% card for fish is currently
an OCA only card, and thus expensive. So it's best to use either a highly upgraded Cranial (to deal with a Merman), or an Ambernite carded Buckler if you
can't afford a Rafflesia. If you can manage to snag an endow here, your damage will be excellent. And also Marc(s) always seem to be in pairs so watch out.
45: Phen: Fish, Medium, Water 2.
40: Hydra: Plant, Medium, Water 2.
40: Marc: Fish, Medium, Water 2.
40: Swordfish: Fish, Large, Water 2.
20: Marine Sphere: Plant, Small, Water 1.
3: Merman: Demi-human, Medium, Water 2.
Geffen Field 12:

-Take Eastern exit in Geffen.
-Then head to Eastern exit in Geffen Field 7.
-Take the Southern most exit and you will arrive at Geffen Field 12.
When to Level Here:
Early on as an Alchemist.
Recommended Equipment:
A Bloody Weapon, Cranial Buckler.
Items of Worth:
Buckler [1], Gladius [3], Cross Bow [3], Kobold Card.
40: Kobold Archer: Demi-Human, Small, Fire 1.
30: Kobold (Hammer): Demi-Human, Medium, Poison 2.
30: Kobold (Mace): Demi-Human, Medium, Fire 2.
20: Kobold (Axe): Demi-Human, Medium, Wind 2.
20: Poporing: Plant, Medium, Poison 1.
1: Kobold Leader: Demi-Human, Medium, Wind 2.
Clock Tower Underground 2:

When to Level Here:
Early on as an Alchemist.
Recommended Equipment:
Ice/Fire weapons, Cranial/Gargantua Bucklers, Pasana armor.
Items of Worth:
Rough Elunium/Oridecon, White Herbs.
This map has a lot of potential experience, that tends to be ruined by mobbing Priest + Wizard parties. It's still great to level on if you have the
equipment, and even better if you level during non-peak hours, but it can get frustrating with Wizards leaving frozen Orc Archers, Priests dumping Drainliars
on you, etc. None of the rares are particulary valuable, but if you actually take the time to pick up some of the loot laying around, you can break even at
the very least. High Orcs drop Orange Potions, and Orc Archers drop Reds, so you can Aid yourself with them whenever you find one. An ice endow with an anti
-High Orc weapon and plenty of fly wings works wonders on this map.
40: High Orc: Demi-human, large, fire 2.
20: Orc Archer. Demi-Human, Large, Earth 1.
20: Arclouze: Insect, Small, Earth 2.
20: Brilight: Insect, Small, Fire 1.
10: Drainliar: Brute, Small, Shadow 2.
Clock Tower Underground 4:

When to Level Here:
As soon as you have enough hit. 140 is needed for a 100% hit rate on Bathories.
Recommended equipment:
Bloody/Ancient/Formless weapons, any elemental, Cranial Buckler, Evil Armor.
Items of Worth:
Fabric, Joker Card, Whisper Card, Bathory Card.
One of the best maps for leveling an Alchemist on. Bathories have low attack, low defense, are medium sized, and drop Witch Starsand; which can be used to
produce Condensed White Potions. The few Whispers on the map will drop Fabrics, which are needed for Bottle Grenades. Quite often, there will be small mobs
of Bathories in corners, which are easily Cart Revo'd into oblivion. The map does have some downsides, however. You need a Key of the Underground to access
the map, which can be expensive depending on your server. The three swords will break various pieces of equipment; Mysteltainn will break your shield,
Executioner your armor, and Tirfing your head gear. So if you plan to fight one of them, it's worth using the extra potions due to taking the piece of
equipment off. They respawn a half hour after killed. Jokers require a hefty amount of hit, so an Ancient weapon is required; unless you have a very large
amount of dex. Evil armor is required on this map, as the bulk of the damage from Bathories is in the form of their HP Drain attack. This is completely
negated by using Evil armor. The armor also blocks their cursing attack, and the Joker's Jupitel Thunder. What can't be prevented is the net skill of
Bathories. What this does is lock you into place, although you can still attack anything within range. This skill results in many frustrating location
glitches, in which a mob of Bathories is capable of attacking you, but you can't fight back.
50: Bathory: Demi-Human, Medium, Shadow 1.
10: Joker: Demi-Human, Large, Varies.
10: Whisper: Demon, Small, Sense 3.
1: Mysteltainn: Formless, large, shadow 4.
1: Executioner: Formless, large, shadow 4.
1: Tirfing: Formless, medium, shadow 4.
Sphinx Level 4:

When to Level Here:
As soon as you have enough hit for Pasanas. They require 154 for a 100% hit rate.
Recommended Equipment:
Flammable/Ice/Formless weapons, Cranial/Brutal Bucklers, Pasana armor.
Items of Worth:
Rough Elunium/Oridecon, Pasana Card, Minorous Card.
The fact that this map consists almost entirely of a single element renders it one of the most effective maps to employ an endow on. Also, if you manage to
find a Pasana Card here, it's great for blocking the high-powered fire attacks that tend to be fairly frequent. It won't do much for the Pasana's critical
skill, however. The downside to this map is the map design itself. Monsters will either tend to get bunched up in a corner into a mob which wipes out half
your hp in a single wave, or you'll find yourself desperately wandering about in search of anything to kill. Keeping to the center hallways is a decent idea,
as it's easier to cover area that way. It's also somewhat hard to mob here, as the Minorouses and Pasanas will both use the

after being dragged around for a bit. Marduks will also use Firewall, which while weak, can get in the way occasionally. The Axes and Falchions you'll get
from Minorouses and Pasanas, respectively, can be used to keep your cart close to or at 8000 weight. And the cows drop potatoes!

50: Minorous: Brute, Large, Fire 2.

20: Pasana: Demi-Human, Medium, Fire 2.

15: Marduk: Demi-Human, Large, Fire 1.

4: Mimic: Formless, Medium, Normal 3.
West Kokomo Beach (Comodo Beach):

When to Level Here:
Recommended Equipment:
Wind/Fire weapons, Swordfish armor.
Items of Worth:
Blue Herbs, Yggdrasil Seeds
This is a laidback place to level as it's easy to access (You can warp there using the Warp NPC) and will save you a lot of frustration using Teleport in
order to get to location from Comodo.
40: Shellfish: Fish, Small, Water 1.
32: Raggler: Brute, Small, Wind 1.
20: Seal: Brute, Medium, Water 1.
20: Galapago: Brute, Small, Earth 1.
20: Crab: Fish, Small, Water 1.
15: Cornutus: Fish, Small, Water 1.
10: Aster: Fish, Small, Earth 1.
10: Alligator: Brute, Medium, Water 1.
1: Mobster: Demi-Human, Medium, Normal 1.
Turtle Island:

When to Level Here:
200+ flee.
Recommended Equipment:
Fire/Earth/Clamorous weapons, Brutal/Gargantua Bucklers.
Items of Worth:
Cyfar, Brigan, Thara Frog Card, Rough Oridecon.
This map is much more suited to a high agility type than a vit type, unless you have strong armor or are willing to expend quite a bit of zeny on potions.
Dragontails will put you to sleep, Spring Rabbits will Bash you/loot you and supply you with some herbs, Pests will Cloak and annoy the hell out of you,
Permeters are also there to irritate you, Thara Frogs will generally accomplish nothing, and Hunters will attack everything in sight. This is also one of the
few maps that you could use Bomb on; Dragontails and Pests charge directly into it due to being aggressive, and the resulting loot will attract Spring
Rabbits, which will take a large amount of damage from the fire element Bomb. The Permeters have Aid Potion, and will use it to heal any monsters you're
fighting. You can either use Mammonite to exact justice upon them, or simply ignore the turtles and move onto better experience in a different section of the
25: Dragon Tail: Insect, Medium, Wind 2.
25: Spring Rabbit: Brute, Medium, Earth 2.
15: Pest: Brute, Small, Shadow 2.
10: Permeter: Brute, Medium, Normal 2.
10: Thara Frog: Fish, Medium, Water 2.
β: Stats.
Now once you have reached level 99 as a Creator, some people don't know what kind of builds they need, this is made to help those who are confused as to what they want to do with their stats. If anything; guide you in the right direction or
even justify your current build.
Strength: If you plan to be a battle build of some kind, get this and plenty of it. 80 - 99+?? is a good range of where you should locate your strength if
you're a battle build; just remember, always a multiple of 10. You'll want to carry around as many potions as possible, and you can have amazing damage
output via Mammonite, given ample attack speed to couple your strength. In most scenarios, a high strength build will find leveling to be a much easier task
as well.
Agility: Alchemists have no skills that raise attack speed, so you'll most likely want a good amount of agility to make up for that if you're fond of
Mammonite, or simply PvM (Player vs. Mob). Alchemists have good base attack speed with swords and daggers, and high agility with an axe or mace and
Adrenaline Rush is great fun. And when you do get hit, you've got plenty of potions to make up for it, even if they won't heal for very much without some
Vitality: A great stat for Alchemists, seeing as how it stacks with Potion Research and Aid Potion. Each point of Vitality raises the effectiveness of Aid
Potion by 4%. So even if you have an agility based build in mind, getting a small amount of Vitality is a great idea. Who wants to Aid Potion themselves for
under 100 with a red! With enough of vitality, there will be little that's capable of easily felling you. This is good to consider when you're leveling. For
sometimes one might want to fill up their strength to the highest capacity at their current level but won't ever have enough agility to make up for it.
Intelligence: If you're going to be a battle build, don't get int. You eat through your SP rather quickly making potions, and tossing acid bottles rips
through it as well, especially if you're in a Magic Strings. But in both situations, either Blessing and Magnificat will be readily available, or using Blue
Aid Potions is justifiable. A build with 1 base intelligence, with Blessing, will already have 18 int; landing squarely on a regen bonus. This is more than
enough for a battle build, as the stat points would be better spent enhancing your melee capabilities. If you plan on using the spell swords, either as a
boost to your physical melee damage, or as a means of leveling a brewer, then a moderate to high amount is admissible. Each point of int provides a small
boost to potion success rates, at .05% per point of int. As this is only really noticeable if you get a large amount of int, don't bother boosting it to
increase your rates unless you're going to be a brewer. However, this changes after you rebirth your Alchemist, if you plan to take advantage of a
Biochemist's Acid Demonstration.
Dexterity: This stat assists in numerous ways. First, it boosts your potion creation success rate, with a .1% increase per point of dexterity. Secondly, it
does the obvious; increases your accuracy, damage, and attack speed. Considering Mammonite and Cart Revolution have no hit bonuses, it's important to get a
good amount of dexterity to compensate for that. Additionally, your cast time is lowered. A lower cast time equates to more acids, bombs, summons, and
quicker coatings in the midst of battle, and the last thing you want is for your skill to be canceled. If you try wearing a Phen to prevent this, keep in
mind that will raise your casting time, and as such you need a hefty amount of dexterity to bring it back down to a reasonable time. In W.O.E, a Phen is not
an option, and it's not often you won't find yourself under attack. So despite the low casting time of most skills, having the fastest possible cast is
important. An essential stat, so don't neglect it.
Luck: Alchemists have no luck bonus, so you'll have to rely entirely on normal status points and equipment to boost it. If you've got a Priest with Gloria at
your beck and call, you can enjoy the extra 30 luck, so even if you want to get luck to help with making potions you won't have to get that much of it. Each
point of luck raises your potion success rate by .1%. An extra lucky dodge or two and some more criticals are always nice as well, and the added status
effect resistance boost is quite beneficial. A good place to put the left over points after a build has been designed.
Intelligent Brewer:
Str : Low.
Agi : Low.
Vit : Low.
Int : High.
Dex : High.
Luk : Moderate.
Skills: Prepare Potion, Summon Flora
The most common brewing build. This build capitalizes on the benefits of a Fire Blend, an Ice Falchion, and a Light Epsilon, as well as the effects the first
two weapons have when combined with Summon Flora.
Lucky Brewer:
Str : Low.
Agi : Low.
Vit : Low.
Int : Moderate.
Dex : High.
Luk : High.
Skills: Prepare Potion, Summon Flora
This brewer will require a substantial amount of leeching to level, as opposed to the int oriented brewer, but if you're aiming for the highest possible
success rates, this is the way to go.
Agility Based:
Str : Moderate to high.
Agi : High.
Vit : Low to moderate.
Int : Low.
Dex : Moderate to high.
Luk : Low to moderate.
Skills: Axe Mastery, Summon Flora
Paired with a Blacksmith, you should have a very nice damage output. You'll also do fine solo. However, with low vit your potions won't heal for that much
and your hp will be somewhat lacking. Summoning a Geographer when things start getting a little hectic for the added healing and damage is extremely
beneficial. A hefty amount of agility is required to get the necessary flee needed as well. A little luk can be added if you like to see critical hits pop
out now and then, but it's not required by any means.
Vitality Based:
Str : High.
Agi : Low to moderate.
Vit : Moderate to high.
Int : Low to moderate.
Dex : Moderate to high.
Luk : Low.
Skills: Acid Demonstration, Summon Marine Sphere
Since you're not going to be swinging as often as an agility-based build, you'll want your hits to count. So get as much str and dex as possible. A touch of
agility for more attack speed, and the same deal with luk as the agility-based build. You'll heal quite nicely with Aid Potion, and you can gather mobs and
CR them without much worry if you know what you're doing. Some int to keep up the CRs can be helpful. Just try not to fall asleep whilst using ctrl+click.
This can also double as a WoE/PvP build if you lower Prepare Potion in favor of chemical protections, and Summon Marine Sphere.
[b]MvP Build:
Str : High.
Agi : Moderate.
Vit : Moderate to high.
Int : Low.
Dex : Moderate to high.
Luk : Low.
Skills: Chemical Protection(s)
Again, this should be paired with a Whitesmith for their skills. Otherwise, you won't stand much of a chance with competition, and it's difficult enough to
MVP as an Creator. Use an axe for large-sized MVPs, and fiddle around with a stat calculator to see if you'd do more with a sword or mace on medium sized
MVPs. Otherwise just stick with the axe. The agility is for faster Mammonites, and the vit is so you don't die in two hits. A large amount of dex is
required, due to the average MVP's flee. Those Blacksmiths are spoiled with their +20 hit. Also, you should try to get the coating skills; with MVPs breaking
equipment, they can be extremely helpful.
W.O.E Support:
Str : Moderate.
Agi : Low.
Vit : High.
Int : Moderate.
Dex : High.
Luk : Low to moderate.
Skills: Acid Demonstration, Chemical Protection(s)
This build is designed to keep you and your vitality characters alive, your opponent's armor and weapons broken, and your guild's equipment safe. Combining a
cart and maxed Increase Weight Limit, you will be capable of dumping an enormous amount of potions on yourself, increasing your lifespan in W.O.E and thus
the lifespan of your guild members. Since your main purpose is not only breaking armor and weaponry, but keeping it protected, you'll want very high
dexterity to have the quickest possible cast time. Even with an excessive amount of dexterity, your casts can still be cancelled, and so pairing this build
up with a Sacrifice Crusader is a great strategy. You keep him/her alive via Aid Potion, and s/he takes your damage, (which should already be low due to the
good amount of magic and physical defense attainable by an Alchemist) and provides you with a Phen-card effect for your skills. Keep both of you coated, and
the only thing you'll have to worry about is an Asura Champion. Strength isn't terribly important, however, a little for additional weight capacity and
leveling efficency doesn't hurt. Some int can be helpful as well, as you can run out of sp quite quickly spamming these skills, and for the status
resistance/magic defense. A little bit of luck for even more status resistance and you're good to go.
Here are some actual builds I usually base my Creators on, however these can vary depending on what server you play on. Due to stat's, economy, item
availability, and rates.
Pure Brewer
STR: 1+9
AGI: 1+6
VIT: 1+3
INT: 99+10
DEX: 99+8
LUK: 9
Agile Alchemist or Creator
STR: 80+10
AGI: 99+16
VIT: 14+3
INT: 1+8
DEX: 42+8
LUK: 9
Vital Alchemist or Creator
STR: 89+21
AGI: 9+6
VIT: 95+3
INT: 10+4
DEX: 42+8
LUK: 1
Pot Thrower Alchemist or Creator
STR: 1+10
AGI: 9+7
vIT: 97+3
INT: 36+8
DEX: 84+16
LUK: 1
Omni Alchemist or Creator
STR: 80+10
AGI: 9+7
VIT: 84+3
INT: 24+8
DEX: 64+16
LUK: 1
2nd Agility Build
STR: 85
AGI: 95
VIT: 1
INT: 19
DEX: 45
LUK: 1
nd Vitality Build
STR: 85
AGI: 1
VIT: 85
INT: 15
DEX: 59
LUK: 12
Hybrid Forge Build
STR: 65
AGI: 80
VIT: 20
INT: 50
DEX: 60
LUK: 16
Hybrid Battle Build
STR: 65
AGI: 90
VIT: 55
INT: 1
DEX: 50
LUK: 10 or lower
Critical Agile Build
STR: 60
AGI: 90
VIT: 1
INT: 14
DEX: 22
LUK: 76
γ: Equipment.
In the equipment lists, [x] indicates that the equipment can have slots, with x being how many slots there are. The number furthest to the right on all the descriptions is the weight. Everything else is pretty self-explanatory. Sorry if it's hard to read, I can't get the damn thing to format properly.
If you plan on using equipment with slots, there's a few things to think about first. With weapons, obviously you'll want the appropriate +% cards for what you're fighting to deal the highest possible damage. Remember, cards of the same type stack, but multiple different cards yield a higher damage modifier. For example, a Quad Flammable Axe would simply add 20% more damage for each card, resulting in a total of 180% damage on a Minorous. But a Double Flammable Double Clamorous Axe would do 40% more damage from the Vadon cards, resulting in 140%, then 40% based off that calculation, which comes out to 196% damage. The downside to making weapons like that is that they are highly specialized, and can end up costing a lot of zeny. If you're going to be using status inflicting cards, then you want the weapon with the highest attack speed and number of slots.
As for the various pieces of armor, you should try not to base your build on one specific piece of equipment. For example, if your build needs a Picky carded armor to hit 110 strength, remember that you won't be able to equip elemental armors without suffering from a loss in damage. On the other hand, if you have to sacrifice a few stat points to boost your strength, you may miss out on some other important stats that could have helped you significantly. So while a Picky carded armor can be quite beneficial, you have to remember that there are downsides to using it. This applies to pretty much all cards. It really all boils down to how you plan on using your Alchemist.
At one point while playing RO, I've had almost every piece of eqiupment an Alchemist can wear listed; however, that wasn't really neccessary, and made for useless clutter. So instead, I'll merely list recommended equipment; italicized for recommended elemental weapons. The size modifiers are listed as small/medium/large.
Weapons : Your choice of weapon is decided on numerous factors. The major factors are your build, the availability of Blacksmiths, and personal preference. For the most part, you'll want to go for the weapon that has the best balance of attack and card slots. Your dex, str, agi, and luk all have an effect on the optimal weapon choice. Filddle around with a stat calculator to see what weapon complements your build most effectively.
One-handed Axes:
Attack Speed Delay: 67.5
Size Modifiers: 50/75/100
Axes are slow, suffer from low attack, have a mediocre size modifier, and there's little variety in equipment choices. Only thing that helps is the skill Axe Mastery which brings them up to par with Maces on higher defense opponents, but only so long as you have a Blacksmith. On the plus side, you'll be immune to Bomb and Shattering Strike. The weapon breaking portions, that is.

Two-handed Axes:
Attack Speed Delay: 65
Size Modifiers: 50/75/100
The same issues that apply to one-handed axes apply here, for the most part. These weapons are best used on an agility build, where the loss of a shield isn't as noticable as a vitality build without one, and the poor aspd modifier is addressed. Again, a Blacksmith is required to get the most out of them.

Attack Speed Delay: 65
Size Modifiers: 75/100/100
With Adrenaline Rush available, these are generally the weapons of choice. They're excellent to use in WoE, as it's a great deal easier to locate a party with a Blacksmith than during the course of day to day leveling. Also, you'll enjoy the same benefits that an Axe has; immunity to weapon breaking skills.

Attack Speed Delay: 57.5
Size Modifiers: 75/100/75
The weapon of choice for an Alchemist. A respectable attack speed delay, acceptable size modifiers, and an abundance/plethora/bountiful amount of weapons at your disposal. You won't require a Blacksmith to get the most out of them, either. However, you're vulnerable to weapon breaking without chemical protection, and discovering a Stalker has Sword Reject, while uncommon, will not be a welcome experience.

Spell Swords:
While not entirely different weapons than normal swords, they're worthy of special mention. While attacking, there's a chance that a Bolt spell will be automatically casted. This isn't beneficial to a low int battle build, but it's excellent news for int based brewers, or most any build with a moderate amount of int. What makes the swords so effective is the fact that the chance to use a Bolt spell transfers over to any of your attacks; Acid Terror, Summon Flora, Cart Revolution, Summon Marine Sphere, etc.. Even using a Bolt manually can trigger the auto-cast function.

Attack Speed Delay: 55
Size Modifiers: 100/75/50
Daggers have slightly higher aspd than swords, and the size modifiers aren't anything to be excited about. If you have them on hand already, there's no issue with using them to level, but they aren't anything you should aim for unless you're looking for status effect infliction, or want to take advantage of one of the many 'special' daggers. Sword Reject also affects daggers, despite the name sounding as if it were exclusive to swords. The best thing about daggers is that there are a number of them with innate effects and abilities.

The Azoth:

It's not a practical dagger in any sense, but running around a low level map changing Zombies into Bloody Knights is immensely fun in RO. Best used on low str Alchemists, for obvious reasons. Whenever a monster is changed, all the drops, experience, and stats of the monster are those of the new one. It's also aggressive, but if you use Status Recovery/Hide, it'll revert to whatever its natural state is. The modification chance can be brought about by any physical attack, including those of your summons.
What you can transmute with an Azoth: Normal monsters.
What you can't transmute with an Azoth: MvPs, "mini-bosses", players, summoned plants/Spheres.
For Armors, Just go for the basic reduction sets for Woe. MARC and ED is a MUST! also with Feather Beret, immune and Cranial. And don't forget your hide clip!
δ: The Homunculus.
This part is intended for people who are completely new to Hommunculi. So they know ahead of time what they're getting/want to get.
The Homunculus, reduced to the most basic description, is a pet that assists you. Be it by supporting you, or attacking with you. You create them via Prepare
Potion, using one of each of the following items:
Dew of Yggdrasil:
Seed of Life:
Glass Tube:
Potion Creation Guide:
Medicine Bowl:
Which results in an Embryo:
The Embryo then remains in your inventory until you use the skill Call Homunculus.
You can learn how to get the skills here.
You then receive a Homunculus. The type is selected at random. There are
currently four types of Homunculi, each type offering two different Homunculi. The difference between the two is purely cosmetic. They all have initial
forms, and a developed version. In order to mature them into their secondary forms, you need to first raise their intimacy to "Best Friend" status, then use
Philosopher's Stone or Stone of Sage:
Much like a pet, a Homunculus requires feeding on a regular basis, or they'll run away/starve to death, depending on how you look at it. They eat the
following foods:
Amistr: Zargon.
Filir: Garlet.
Lif: Pet Food.
Vanilmirth: Scell.
When you are viewing your Homunculus' stats their will be a hunger gauge going from 1-100. If it drops to low your Homunculus will leave you. And that's a
waste of time and money because you were neglectful to make sure it was fed. Haha. The value drops -2 every few minutes.
As mentioned previously, the Homunculi have a rating of how friendly they are to you. The intimacy is raised via feeding them, much like pets. Upon death,
the Homunculus loses intimacy rather than experience. If the intimacy drops to zero, the Homunculus runs away.

Castling, Active.
Instantaneously switch the location of the player and Amistr. The monsters that were attacking the player will now attack Amistr instead.
1: 20% chance of success.
2: 40% chance of success.
3: 60% chance of success.
4: 80% chance of success.
5: 100% chance of success.
Amistr Bulwark , Active.
Temporarily increase the defense of both Amistr and the player.
1: 2 defense, 40 second duration.
2: 4 defense, 35 second duration.
3: 6 defense, 30 second duration.
4: 8 defense, 25 second duration.
5: 10 defense, 20 second duration.
Adamantium Skin, Passive.
Increase Amistr's Defense, Maximum HP, and HP Regeneration.
1: 2% hp, 5% regen, 4 defense.
2: 4% hp, 10% regen, 8 defense.
3: 6% hp, 15% regen, 12 defense.
4: 8% hp, 20% regen, 16 defense.
5: 10% hp, 25% regen, 20 defense.
Blood Lust, Active.
For a five minute duration, Amistr's damage is increased and every attack has a chance to leech 20% of the damage as HP.
1: 1 minute duration, 130% damage increase, 3% chance to leech, 5 minute cast delay.
2: 3 minute duration, 140% damage increase, 6% chance to leech, 10 minute cast delay.
3: 5 minute duration, 150% damage increase, 9% chance to leech, 15 minute cast delay.

Moonlight, Active.
Filir attacks a target with its beak.
1: 1 hit, 220% damage.
2: 2 hits, 330% damage.
3: 2 hits, 440% damage.
4: 2 hits, 550% damage.
5: 3 hits, 660% damage.
Flitting, Active.
Temporarily increase Filir's attack and aspd.
1: +3% aspd, 110% damage, lasts for 60 seconds, 60 second delay.
2: +6% aspd, 115% damage, lasts for 55 seconds, 70 second delay.
3: +9% aspd, 120% damage, lasts for 50 seconds, 80 second delay.
4: +12% aspd, 125% damage, lasts for 45 seconds, 90 second delay.
5: +15% aspd, 130% damage, lasts for 40 seconds, 120 second delay.
Accelerated Flight, Active.
Temporarily increase Filir's flee.
1: 20 flee, lasts for 60 seconds, 60 second delay.
2: 30 flee, lasts for 55 seconds, 70 second delay.
3: 40 flee, lasts for 50 seconds, 80 second delay.
4: 50 flee, lasts for 45 seconds, 90 second delay.
5: 60 flee, lasts for 40 seconds, 120 second delay.
SBR44, active.
Lower your Filir's intimacy level in exchange for high damage to a single target.

Healing Hands, Active.
Heals the player, or another player if specifically targeted. The skill consumes a Condensed Red Potion, but otherwise functions exactly like an Acolyte's
Heal. In order to clear up some confusion there's been regarding this, your int has no relevance to the amount healed. It is calcuated using the Lif's int.
1: 13 sp.
2: 16 sp.
3: 19 sp.
4: 22 sp.
5: 25 sp.
Urgent Escape, Active.
Temporarily increase the moving speed of both Lif and the player.
1: 10% faster, 40 second duration.
2: 20% faster, 35 second duration.
3: 30% faster, 30 second duration.
4: 40% faster, 25 second duration.
5: 50% faster, 20 second duration.
Brain Surgery, Passive.
Increase Lif's Max SP and SP Regeneration rate, as well as the amount healed via Healing Touch.
1: 1% sp, 3% regen, 2% Healing Touch bonus.
2: 2% sp, 6% regen, 4% Healing Touch bonus.
3: 3% sp, 9% regen, 6% Healing Touch bonus.
4: 4% sp, 12% regen, 8% Healing Touch bonus.
5: 5% sp, 15% regen, 10% Healing Touch bonus.
Mental Change, Active.
For a period of five minutes, Lif's maximum HP and SP are switched. After activating the skill, HP is fully healed. Non-skill attacks are increased by the
Lif's MATK value. After the skill duration has ended, HP and SP are set to 10.
1: 1 minute duration, 10 minute cast delay.
2: 3 minute duration, 15 minute cast delay.
3: 5 minute duration, 20 minute cast delay.

Caprice, Active.
Randomly uses Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt, Lightning Bolt, or Earth Spike. The skill level used for the spell is determined by the skill level of Caprice.
1: 22 SP, can use level 1 bolt-type spell.
2: 24 SP, can use level 2 bolt-type spell.
3: 26 SP, can use level 3 bolt-type spell.
4: 28 SP, can use level 4 bolt-type spell.
5: 30 SP, can use level 5 bolt-type spell.
Chaotic Blessings, Active
SP use : 40.
Randomly uses Heal on you, an enemy that is attacking you, or Vanilmirth itself. It will heal rather than damage undead monsters.
1: Heal level 1: Enemy: 50% / Vanilmirth: 20% / Player: 30%.
2: Heal level 1 - 2: - Enemy: 40% / Vanilmirth: 50% / Player: 10%.
3: Heal level 1 - 3: - Enemy: 25% / Vanilmirth: 25% / Player: 50%.
4: Heal level 1 - 4: - Enemy: 36% / Vanilmirth: 60% / Player: 4%.
5: Heal level 1 - 5: - Enemy: 33% / Vanilmirth: 34% / Player: 33%.
Instruction Change, Passive.
Increase Vanilmirth's Intelligence and Strength.
1: 1 int / 1 str.
2: 2 int / 1 str.
3: 2 int / 3 str.
4: 4 int / 4 str.
5: 5 int / 4 str.
Bio Explosion, Active.
Vanilmirth self destructs and inflicts defense ignoring damage on everything within a 9x9 square around it. The damage is based off it's maximum HP, and
after the attack, intimacy is reduced to 1.
1: Max HP * 1.
2: Max HP * 1.5.
3: Max HP * 2.
Hopefully you find this to be helpful.
This is a simple Potion Creation Success Rate calculator based on this formula.
Success Rate = PR x 1 + PP x 3 + Job Level x 0.2 + (DEX + LUK+ (INT/2)) x 0.1 + a + 5(%) (Minimum Success Rate)
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