- ~ Acolyte: Where can i Exp?
~ Priest Exp Mode Version 1: Pure Support Build
~ Priest Exp Mode Version 2: TurnUndead Build
~ Priest PvP Mode
~ ` Negative Statuses that a Priest can heal
~ ` Link For Priest
~ Priest Pure WoE Build
~ Priest Equip for Exp
~ Priest Equip for WoE + PvP
~ High Priest Mad Exp: Pure Support Build
~ High Priest Mad Exp: Turn Undead Build
~ High Priest in PvP
~ High Priest Medium WoE Build
~ ` The Battle Mode
~ High Priest Pure WoE Build
~ High Priest Equip for Exp
~ High Priest Equip for WoE + PvP
` For Exp: Personally i suggest the TU build if you wanna exp easily and quickly^^ (the version 2).
` For Equip: Remember whenever you wanna take off a card from an equip to put it in another equip or re-utilize the item, there is the npc who separate the card from the item^^ (you just spend 225k and a little extra for every card).
` For Builds: Keep in your mind, you can find the Stat&Skill Reset Npc (you just spend 5k each or 9k both) in Prontera^^ so you can reset your build whenever you wanna try another one or just wanna go exping/making pvp ...etc^^
Little Notes:
` For a full learning, i suggest you to read both (= priest and HighPriest too) the chapters you care about..
Example: maybe you wanna know something about woe, so for a 'complete' learning it's better if you read both chapters about woe (the one from priest build, and the other from high priest build) !!
` Obvious to say you have to keep in macro the 'classic' skills and buff like Heal10 and Agility + Blessing 10^^.
` The most useful Stats for a Priest:
INT: Increases the Healed Amount (together with your base lvl, for more info look here
DEX: Improves your cast time for skills
VIT: Increase you HP.

Let's start sayin' for to be a good priest you need to have a sacrifical spirit! Yeah it's true

~ Acolyte = Put all your stats point in INT
Once classed Acolyte you need to kill some porings to unlock the first skills, when you got about heal lvl 3 or 4 type /ns aka /noshift command ( this command allows you to heal monsters, why healing monsters? Undead monsters get damage from heal!! ^^) and go to Payon Dungeon lvl 1.
Kill Skeleton and Zombie (which are the only undead monsters on that floor) with Heal..
While you are leveling up, get Heal to lvl 10 and ruwach -> teleport 2 -> warp portal 4 -> pneuma 1. For stats points: continue increasing INT.
When you ll be arund base lvl 30 you can start to love your favourite place: Amatsu Dungeon (lvl 1)!!
In your macro bar (click f12 to make the bar appear) put just pneuma, heal 10 and heal 3. Always keeping /ns on, start killing Ancient Firelocks and using Pneuma on yourself so they can't hit you.
Why keeping heal 3 too? Because in Shinai you can see how many hp the monster has, so you'll see when the monster remains with few hp and a lower level heal is enough to kill it. Always remember , every sp of the acolyte is precious!
When you are job lvl 40 you can turn into a priest.. BUT! an acolyte classed at job 40 is really bad :\ on any server, especially where exp rates are high and you can exp very very quickly.
So, it's always better turn into Priest at job lvl 50, but if u are really tired to exp you can class at 48 job (is good too..)!!
Instead, if you are High Acolyte, class at 50!!!
So for ppl classed at 48 job, the skills will be:
Divine Protection lvl 5
Ruwach 1
Pneuma 1
Teleportation 1
Warp Portal 4
Heal 10
Increase Agility 10
Acqua Benedicta 1
Angelus 2
Blessing 10
Cure 1
For ppl classed at 50 job, u can choose where to add the other 2 skill points:
if make angelus to 4
or decrease agility 2

Once classed priest i suggest you to remain for the first job lvls in Amatsu Dungeon killing some more Firelocks...
Or, if you are tired of Amatsu dungeon you can go 'heal bombing' Glast Heim's undead (like Evil Druids, Ghoul, Zombie Prisoner, Zombie, Wraith ~ & when you are some lvl higher Wraith Dead too).
~ Priest Exp Mode Version 1: Pure Support Build
What skill i have to take for a pure support? This answer depends always from the person you are used to exp with.
But these are the "must-take" skills you need to have for a Full Support:
Increase SP Recovery 4
Status Recovery 1
Resurrection 4
Kyrie Eleison 10
Magnificat (a minimum of) 3
Lex Divina 5
Lex Aeterna 1
Which Stats can you put for your Pure Support Priest?
int about 80/85
dex about 80
rest vit.
Some skill need some catalysts to use them, which are those skills and what i need for them?
Blue Gemstone required for: Warp Portal, Resurrection, Safety Wall.
Holy Water required for: Aspersio.
Where can i find those things?
~ You can easily find blue gemstones from the npc in geffen's inn (lower left building, second room) and from ItemMail npc too (@go 0, lower left where you spawn, near the Healer Npc) who will sell them to you for 600z each.
~ Holy water is simplier then blue gems ;P You just need a lot of Empty Bottles and Comodo city, that has a sea where you can create holy bottles thanks to the Acqua Benedicta skill.
Obviously every Ress/Warp Portal you make is 1 blue gem used, and every Aspersio you make is 1 Holy Water used.
~ ~ ~
Now, let's analyze the situation for a moment: if you are used to exp with a melee class (everyone that hit monsters with phisical attacks) put your leftover skill points in:
Imposito Manus 5
Aspersio 5
Gloria 5
Where to exp with a melee class?
From base lvl 70 you can go hunting High Orcs (Warpra->Dungeons->Orc Dungeon ~ Enter in the warp you see, exit from the little building and, in the map you spawn into, take the left-central warp, and then you are in the HOs' ), they give you a good exp until lvl 80/85.
From lvl 85 you can go to nifelheim field lvl 2 (and bring with you the holy waters, to make Aspersio on your friend).. (don't sell black cat dolls 'cause you ll need 300 of them to make the drooping cat, a really good hat for mdef)
At lvl 90/95 you can go to rachel sanctuary lvl 2, mobbing and take a lot of exp! (The good side is you have the chance to find beret and high quality sandals^^)
~ ~ ~
If you are used to exp with someone who kills monsters with magical hits (wizzy/sage/soul linker/ninja) you will need to add with the last skill left:
Imposito Manus 3 -> Suffragium 3
Aspersio 4 -> Safety Wall 10
Where to exp with a magical class?
From lvl 70 you and your party-mate can go to Clock Tower lvl 3 with fire skills, or Glast Heim (choose your favourite place^^) i suggest to go to the sting floor so you can find gloves[1]!
From lvl 80/85 you can go to Magma Dungeon lvl 1 (and of course, your mate need to have ice skills).
At lvl 90/95 (better place for wizzy+priest is AldeBaran guild dungeon if you got the castle there) you can try going to Thor Dungeon or Bio3 (for bio3 you need lvl 95 to enter ~ (pneuma against snipers and heaven's drive on them, lordknight and sinx get frozen and against whitesmith safety wall and jupitel thunder ~ stay away from high wizards XD ~ be patient against high priest monster, she's holy and she's heal herself xD lex divina on her, and froze and jt ..etc..etc)
~ ~ ~
Remember always: Priest got the better skills that can protect you from every enemy (or almost).. If you go in a dungeon where monters hit you with long-range attacks let's set your macros adding PNEUMA, if you go where monsters' close-range attacks are very powerful spam SAFETY WALL on the person you have to protect.
And remember that KYRIE ELEISON protects ppl from every attack, and KE effect is based on the lvl of the skill, and on the vit of the person you'll use it on.
Keep in your macro Lex Aeterna too, because it's a great skill to use when someone is gonna do some powerfull skill, so it's damage will be doubled.

~ Priest Exp Mode Version 2: Turn Undead Build
Often the TU build is used by ppl who exp alone or that wants to gain exp quickly.
What skills i need for unlock Turn Undead??
Increase SP Recovery 4
Status Recovery 1
Resurrection 1
Lex Divina 3
And here it is: Turn Undead! Obviously u need to have it maxed to lvl 10!
Other usefull skill for a TU Build:
Magnificat 3
Lex Divina 5
Kyrie Eleison 10
Divine Protection 10
Angelus 10
From base lvl 70 until 99 ur best friend will be Anubis! Where can u find anubis? It's simple!
Warpra -> Dungeons -> Sphinix
Go to the 4th floor of Sphinx Dungeon and here they are!!
Which stats do you need for TU build?
int about 70/80
dex about 80+
luk about 20/30
rest for vit
You need to have a fast cast, so dex influences your cast.
How does TU work? TU do on the UNDEAD enemy a random hit, it could be a low damage one or a one-shot.
So what do you have to do? Lex-Divina on Anubis (because they got a baaad sonic blow which will most probably one-shot you) and silence it, start using TU on him until you get the lucky hit and own his *** for good.Always stay with buffs active: Bless, Agi, KE on yourself.
Theorycally 'luk' increases the chances to get at the first time the one-shot hit with TU(that together with int), but personally i one-shotted so many times even if i got low luk (low=1).

~ Priest PvP Mode
Ok pvp is like a war

Heal 10
Increase Agility 10
Bless 10
Lex Aeterna 1
Kyrie Eleison 10
Status Recovery 1
Ruwach 1
Pneuma 1
Switch Lex Aeterna with Lex Divina: depending from your enemies and from the ppl who are in your party against them.
If you are against a wizard or a sniper (ppl with low vit) try to silence them with lex divina.. If in your party there's someone who can one-shot ppl with lex aeterna, keep lex aeterna, it's ur choice.
In the second macro bar, keep:
Magnificat 3
Cure 1
Lex divina 5
Resurrection 4
Decrease Agility 2
Kyrie Eleison 1
Why KE lvl 1? Because when you see an enemy with assumptio you can "dispel" his assu with KE, and it's better u made KE 1 beacuse it lasts less( 1 or 2 physical hits) and doesn t affect magic dmg.
Stats for pvp:
int about 80
dex about 80
all rest vit vit and again vit.
Your macros will be always setted depending on the enemy you face and the party you have to support.
~ ` The Negative Statuses that a Priest can Heal
The negative statuses a priest can heal.. Which status and how can i heal it?
I made an image for you

What enemy gives which status?
~ Curse, no skill from any class gives this negative status, but some cards like magnolia do. So it can happen that some enemies use magnolia in their weapon to give such malus to you.
~ Blind, a skill like Lord of Vermilion can give this status, so pay attention to wizards and procede silencing them.
~ Frozen, skills like Storm Gust/Frost Nova/Frost Diver can freeze ppl, oh yeah there is clown's skill too: Frost Joke.. But there are cards with this effect too (they give a small % to freeze when attacking phisically). But watch out for wizards & clowns mostly.
~ Stun, dancer's skill and hammer fall (blacksmith) too.
~ Silence, a skill from priests (lex divina) and an effect by metaller cards.
~ Stone Curse, pay attention to wizzy/hw & sage/prof.
~ Quagmire, wizard's skill. Quagmire negative effect: decrease dex and agi, plus it dispels every agi-like buff (like all skill for aspd from bs/ws). Exit from quagmire's area and you'll be able to get agi again.
~ ` Link for Priest
PvP Funny Moment for a Priest / High Priest: the Priest Spirit (Soul linker's buff) makes you able to do more damage with Holy Light (quest skill). You ll make x5 the damage, but sp consumation gets x 2.5

~ Priest Pure WoE Build
Skills for War of Emperium of a Priest are:
Safety Wall 10
Imposito Manus 3
Suffragium 3
Aspersio 4
Sanctuary 7
Status Recovery 1
Kyrie Eleison 10
Magnificat 3
Lex divina 5
Lex aeterna 1
Why just sanctuary at lvl 7? Because from 7 to 10 its heal value doesn't change, so don't waste 3 skill point to get this skill to max

Pay attention: sanctuary requires 1 blue gemstone everytime you use it.
WoE in Defence: The priest has to be sure to keep everyone buffed in his party (most important are wizards) and keep KE on every guildmate.
Stay always prepared to use status recovery on frozen ppl.
Keep pneuma on wizards on their precast point.
Lex Aeterna on every ppl enters in your castle.
~ Under attack you have to go to the emperium(not every priest but at least one) to make safety wall (emperium is 2 cells = 2 safety) and sanctuary to heal it.
Do always aspersio on sinx or whatever breaker you see on the emperium. Decrease Agility and Lex Aeterna on the breaker too.
~ ~ ~
Items you need for WoE:
Mastela (tool dealer in prontera, and the official npc in hugel sell them for 8.5k each) ~ But if you are not rich you can always use:
Slim White Potions <- are better then White Pots, because they got less weight.. But atm is kinda difficoult finding someone who sell them.. or there are always the old: White potions, a lot! Every tool dealer sell them for 1.2k each.
Blue Gemstone required for: Warp Portal, Sanctuary, Safety Wall.
Holy Water required for: Aspersio.
Yeah, WoE are expensive for a priest too

~ ~ ~
WoE in Attack: Switch the equip when the situation requires (against magical attacks, use mdef equip ~ against phisical attacks use def equip) and keep buffs active on you party. Status Recovery on every frozen guildmate. Lex Aeterna on the enemy: always.
Lex divina on precaster (wizzy, prof, crea <- hopin' to find some crea with low vit). Use pots to heal yourself, and heal the others with the skill. And of course, listen what your guild leader wants you to do. When you are at the spawn point, warp warp and warp your mates to the castle map. Obviously to say: study the castle's map. (http://rune-nifelheim.com/castlemaps.php)
The most important thing to survive: switch equips.

~ Priest Equip for Exp
Head: Spiky Band / Golden Gear / apple of archer (for TU build)
Armor: Saint's Robe with PecoPeco card (10% more hp)
Garment: immune Wool Scarf (with Raydric card) ~ (or make all the muffler against difference properties)
Weapon: Rod[4] with 4 drops, or Rod[4] with 4 fabre (depending on your preferences) you can use +4 or more Staff of Recovery too (Best rod is: Survivor's Rod with dex bonus + drops card)
Shield: buckler or valk shield(the card depends on the monsters you ll face)
Shoes: Tidal Shoes with Verit card (+8% hp and sp) or if you don't have verit, a sohee card is good anyway / High Quality Sandals with verit card (The best is: +9 HQS with ancient firelock card, as this card gives +10% hp&sp and bonus only if the equipment is refined to +9 or more)
Accessory: Rosary (npc in prontera church sell them) / Safety Ring/clip with phen card (so enemy can't interrupt your cast)

~ Priest Equip for WoE + PvP
Head:Spiky Band / Golden Gear / apple of archer / Feather Beret / Drooping Cat
Armor: Silk Robe/ Valk armor with Marc card (immunity to frozen status, a priest NEEDS to have a marc, cause if he doesn t who will un-freeze all the others?)
Garment: immune Wool Scarf (with Raydric card) / Ragamuffin Manteau
Weapon: Rod[4] with 4 drops if you like dex or 4 fabre if you prefer vit (Best rod is: Survivor's Rod with dex bonus + drops card)
Shield: buckler/valk shield with thara frog card
Shoes: Tidal Shoes with Verit card (+8% hp and sp) or if you don't have verit, a sohee card is good anyway / (The better is: +9 High Quality Sandals with ancient firelock card)
Accessory: Safety Ring / Nimble Glove (with zerom card)

For High Acolyte: let's read the first point of my guide ^^
And class at 50 job.
~ High Priest Mad Exp: Pure Support Build
As i said in the second point of the guide, the skills are the same for the priest, plus add the new skill you have as reborn class^^
Quote: |
Increase SP Recovery 4 Status Recovery 1 Resurrection 4 Kyrie Eleison 10 Magnificat (a minimum of) 3 Lex Divina 5 Lex Aeterna 1 |
Let's add:
Meditatio 10
Assumptio 5
Remember if you use Assumptio you can't use KE at the same time 'cause one deletes the other.
Which Stats can you put for your Pure Support Priest?
int about 65/70
dex about 80+
rest vit.
Why so low int? Because meditatio (hp skill) increase your heal power even if you keep your char with low int ^^!
A good dex is important for a good hp, and the vit.. eh the vit keeps you alive 'cuz it gives to you more hp! XD
How much you decide for dex and how much you decide for vit depends from your own preferences!

~ High Priest Mad Exp: Turn Undead Build
As i said in the third point, the skills you need are:
Quote: |
Increase SP Recovery 4 Status Recovery 1 Resurrection 1 Lex Divina 3 And here it is: Turn Undead! Obviously u need to have it maxed to lvl 10! Other usefull skill for a TU Build: Magnificat 3 Lex Divina 5 Kyrie Eleison 10 Divine Protection 10 Angelus 10 Which stats do you need for TU build? int about 70/80 dex about 80+ luk about 20/30 rest for vit |
Let's add:
Assumptio 5
Meditatio 10
And start to love assumptio because you'll be able to survive more easily with assu
~ High Priest in PvP
Put Assumptio on the button where you used to have KE 10.
For the rest:
Quote: |
Heal 10 Increase Agility 10 Bless 10 Lex Aeterna 1 Status Recovery 1 Ruwach 1 Pneuma 1 Switch Lex Aeterna with Lex Divina: depends from your enemies and from the ppl who are in your party against them. If you are against a wizard or a sniper (ppl with low vit) try to silence them with lex divina.. If in your party there's someone who can one-shot with lex aeterna, keep lex aeterna, is ur choice. In the second macro bar, keep: Magnificat 3 Cure 1 Lex divina 5 Resurrection 4 Decrease Agility 2 Kyrie Eleison 1 |
Stats suggested:
int about 70-75
dex 80+
vit 70+
Note: more dex you have and faster will be your cast ~
More vit you have and less status (like silence or stun or poison) you'll take.
And study the status image i made

~ High Priest Medium WoE Build
Let's start saying an important thing about HP skills:
During WoE Assumptio doesn't work inside castles, so you will be able to make assu on your guildmates before the woe starts inside castles and during woe out of castles before entering.
In the castle an high priest can use only KE. (better then nothing, trust me.)
As i said in the 'Priest Woe Build' point, the Skills you need are:
Quote: |
Safety Wall 10 Imposito Manus 3 Suffragium 3 Aspersio 4 Sanctuary 7 Status Recovery 1 Kyrie Eleison 10 Magnificat 3 Lex divina 5 Lex aeterna 1 |
Stats for Medium WoE Build:
int around 70
dex 80+
vit around 70
Note: Remember more vit you have, more damage you'll take from AD (creator's skill) but against ad you have pneuma <3>
Quote: |
Items you need for WoE: Mastela (tool dealer in prontera, and the official npc in hugel sell them for 8.5k each) ~ But if you are not rich you can always use: Slim White Potions <- are better then White Pots, because they got less weight.. But atm is kinda difficoult finding someone who sell them.. or there are always the old: White potions, a lot! Every tool dealer sell them for 1.2k each. Blue Gemstone required for: Warp Portal, Sanctuary, Safety Wall. Holy Water required for: Aspersio. |
~ ~ ~
~ ` The Battle Mode
An important thing for High Priest: our skill are so many.. for this reason it exists a good thing called: BattleMode
~ How can i activate BattleMode? Typing the command /bm aka /battlemode.
~ When you have battlemode active, if you want to type sentences in game in chat you just have push 'enter' before writing the sentence.
~ To remove it you just have to push 'enter' and type /bm again
~ What is the Battle Mode? Battle mode is a way that allows you to use all keyboard letters as the 3 f-key bar altogether (not having always to switch the 3 bars and losing time).
~ With BM active for every F-key you'll use, the character will use the respective skill in the first bar.
The buttons of the keyoboard will be:
q = f1
w = f2
e = f3
r = f4
t = f5
y = f6
u = f7
i = f8
o = f9
this line is the second F12 bar.
Instead the other line of buttons:
a = f1
s = f2
d = f3
f = f4
g = f5
h = f6
j = f7
k = f8
l = f9
All those are the macro of the third bar.
Another important thing to say on the battlemode: if you use it for the first time, don't use it in woe!! XD Try using it during exp or funny pvp, so you can make mistakes and learn without making 'big damage' to your friends XD.

~ High Priest Pure WoE Build
Let's start speaking of this spoint saying that for the Pure Woe Build you have to surrender to Assumptio and Meditatio :\
Quote: |
Safety Wall 10 Imposito Manus 3 Suffragium 3 Aspersio 4 Sanctuary 7 Status Recovery 1 Kyrie Eleison 10 Magnificat 3 Lex divina 5 Lex aeterna 1 |
Let's add:
Turn Undead 3
Magnus Exorcismus 10
Aspersio 5
Gloria 3
Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti 3
Why ME? Because a lot of breakers wear the ED card (this card enchants your armor of undead property and they can't be frozen or stone-cursed and they can't get aspersio too.. but they will get damage from ME as every undead monster do).
Why BSS? Because it's a really usefull skill: make your armor with holy property = you take less damage from every other property (example, make BSS before entering under a precast is really good for you and your friends^^) ~ Bad side: you need other 2 aco class near you for make the skill.
Stats suggested:
int around 70
dex 99
rest vit vit vit
Items you need for WoE:
Mastela (tool dealer in prontera, and the official npc in hugel sell them for 8.5k each) ~ But if you are not rich you can always use:
Slim White Potions <- are better then White Pots, because they got less weight.. But atm is kinda difficoult finding someone who sell them.. or there are always the old: White potions, a lot! Every tool dealer sell them for 1.2k each.
Blue Gemstone required for: Warp Portal, Sanctuary, Safety Wall.
Holy Water required for: Aspersio.
And of course, if you learn to use battlemode is a good thing.

~ High Priest Equip for Exp
The best equip :
Head: Valkyrie helm/ Feather Beret / apple of archer (Good cards for head: Clock Tower Manager = +1int and -5% cast time ~ for ppl with high dex and low vit: Marduk card = immunity to silence status ~ Dreaming for MVP card: Mistress or White Lady card)
Middle-Head: Sunglasses with the cards above
Lower-Head: Romantic Flower / Leaf
Garment: Valkyrie immune Manteau or Wool Scarf (with Raydric card) ~ and you can try start making garment against every property..
Armor: Valkyrie Armor with ED/Marc of course and GR
Weapon: Rod[4] with 4 drops, or Rod[4] with 4 fabre (depends on your preferences) you can also use +5 or more Staff of Recovery, best rod is: Survivol's Rod with dex bonus + drops card
Shield: buckler/Valkyria Shield with cranial
Shoes: Tidal Shoes with Verit card (+8% hp and sp) or if you don't have verit, a sohee card is good anyway / High Quality Sandals with verit card (The best is: +9 HQS with ancient firelock card )
Accessory: Rosary / Safety Ring / Vesper Core 04
Accessory: Rosary / Safety Ring (def and mdef+3) / a clip with phen card (so enemy can't interrupt your cast)
Note: Just for exp the Morpheus's set is nice too (Morpheus Hood, Morpheus Shawl, Morpheus Ring & Bracialet ~ Hat, Garment, Accessory x2)..

~ High Priest Equip for WoE + PvP
Equip (Counting Donation Items too):
Head: Valkyrie Helm[1] (Good cards for head: Clock Tower Manager = +1int and -5% cast time ~ for ppl with high dex and low vit: Marduk card = immunity to silence status ~ Dreaming for MVP card: Mistress or White Lady card) / Feather Beret / Drooping Cat
Middle-Head: Sunnies with the above cards
Lower-Head: Romantic Flower / Leaf
Garment: Valkyrie immune Manteau /Wool Scarf (with Raydric card)
Armor: Valkirie Armor with Marc Card or GR card and Angeling card for pesky snipers
Weapon: Rod[4] with 4 drops, or Rod[4] with 4 fabre (depends on your preferences) you can also use +5 or more Staff of Recovery(on emp expecially as it increases the amount healed by sanctuary too) / Survivol's Rod with dex bonus + drops card
Shield: buckler/Valkirie Shield with thara frog card
Shoes: High Quality Sandals or Tidal Shoes with verit card / The best is: +9 HQS with ancient firelock card
Accessory: Safety Ring / Vesper Core 04 / Nimble Glove (zerom card)
Accessory: Safety Ring (def and mdef+3) / Vesper Core 04 / Expert Ring + zerom card (you got 5% less delay)
Note: Obvious to say but if you have to go (in exp) against demi-human monsters, it's better if you use PvP/WoE Equip ;P

Ok guys the guide is over

I hope it was explicative and good for you. I hope to see good priests in game^^
Guide made by: Guu.
Monsters + Jobs + Items Image by: rocards.de
Map castle by: rune-nifelheim.com
Just for finish: i suggest you a skill simulator
http://ratemyserver.net/skill_sim.php?jid=4009 <- already setted on High Priest class ^^ So you can plan your perfect and own build on your preferences!! And always at this link you can find every skill's description^^.
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