- Once a wise man said : VENI VIDI G-FIST

Why do you want to become a Champ?
Where to level your soon-to-be-champ and how to earn money while levelling?
How to skill your champ for the full potential in WoE / PvP?
What are the right stats for WoE / PvP?
Proper Gear for WoE / PvP
How to play Champ in WoE
How to play Champ in PvP
Why do you want to become a Champ?
You're planning to make a champ so you can destroy pvp or even WoE?
Thats the right reason, if you're planning to make a Champ
Where to level your soon-to-be-champ and how to earn money while leveling?
When you're going to start your stats should look like this

After leaving the Novice grounds your stats should be 9 Dex, 9 Luck and about 30 Int
Kill some porings so you'll get level 1 Heal at least, then head to payon dungeon and healbomb Zombies and Skeletons (Use Shift + Heal or /ns) - either avoid or kill the Familiars. Don't forget to take Novice Pots with you
After Hitting level 30 you can either go Payon dungeon 2 till you've got Pneuma or try to go Zombie Prisoners till you're job 50, after changing your job you can stay there till around job 30 but then you'll have to choose on of the following 4 ways
There are 4 Ways to become level 99,
Steelbody in Abbey Parties
Asura Build
Pro's and Contra's of these Ways
Steelbody in Abbey Parties
You're levelling really quick, and it's the cheapest build since you don't really need anything cause of Steelbody - But the money you're earning is not really much since the parties have got Item-Share
Required for this is Steelbody level 5, 99 Vit, 99 Dex ( Typical Steelbody Build)
You've got the chance to earn money while levelling, and you basically just need to buy Elemental Fists, another Pro is that you can farm almost all cards that you need when you're a Champion - The Con of this is that its taking really long
Build for this I would suggest, 100 Agi, 110 Str, About 50 Dex but I can't really give a proper build since I never played Combo-Build
You can earn with this lots of Money because you're leveling on Sleepers
The Stats for this should look like this (TOTAL)
As weapon you should get a stunner and the following stats to kill the Sleepers with 2x Occult
100 Str, 60 Dex, 100 Agi, 60 Int, 20 Vit
This is the most expensive build, due to the gears that are required but it can be faster than any of these builds if you've got the gears, because this build is focusing on these monsters, Abysmal Knights and Kasa.
For the Abysmal Knights you have to get a normal stunner and a phen carded accessory and the following stats (TOTAL)
110 Str,80 Int, 90 Dex - Only with a Stunner
For the Kasa you'll either need 3x Abysmal Knight Chain, which is hard to get for new people, so you better stick to 3x peco peco egg
Stats should look like this for 1-Hit, if you're getting yourself a sp-song slave you can easily 1-Hit in Thors
120 Str, 100 Int, 60 Dex
Gears used for this Build:
Incubus Marionette Doll, Evil Ears,Morph Shawl, Sohee Shoes 2x Ring (Unslotted)
How to skill your champ for the full potential in WoE / PvP?
WoE Build
PPS level 1 is enough, because you'll only use it to make kaupe dissapear and you can asura the linker after that - Decrease agi level 10 because its really useful and you dont use spiritual cadence anyways in woe

PvP Build
PPS, TSS and Occult maxed because that are your mainskills in pvp
Increase agi level is only for walking speed, you won't have time to heal yourself in a duel against a good champ so just leave it at level 3

What are the right stats for WoE / PvP?
Chain / Stunner / +9 Lich Build
110 Str, because you'll have lots of sp in WoE (1300 +)
70-80 Vit, because of the Gypsies and mainly to survive
50-70 Int, For more Damage and for more SP recovery when you are using Royal Jellies / Blue Pots
130-140 Dex, having a fast cast = People won't be able to hide fast enough
Lower dex means more vit/int but you always need to know that if you're playing against another champ the higher dex wins so dont go for less than 130 dex - it just kills you
A +9 Lich is doing slightly more damage than Stunner or a Chain ONLY if you're using the right equips (Sohee, Morph Shawl)
Basically PvP is almost the same like WoE, with the exception you're not planning on potting in PvP but there is one rule
Chain / Stunner
120 Str, because you want to hurt oher people right?!
99+xx Dex, Same as for WoE, people can't hide fast skills
Rest into Vit - Survive!
Proper Gear for WoE / PvP
WoE Gears
Upper Headgear - F-Beret, Ulle's Cap + S.Golem
Middle Headgear -Masquerade or Sunglasses + Vanberk or Incubus
Lower Headgear - Gangster Mask
Armors - Valk Armor(s) Evil Druid and Marc, if you don't have a Valk armor take Saint's Robes, 1x Evil Druid and 1x Marc. Take also 2 Silk Robes with Evil Druid and Marc because Armors break in WoE. For Precasts Additionally Silk Robe with Pasana / Swordfish
Weapon - Double Bloody Boned Chain, Double Bloody Stunner, +9 Double Bloody Lich Wand
Shield - Cranial Valk Shield
Garment - Immune Wool Scarf, Morph Shawl, Guard Wool Scarf if you can swap equips
Shoes - Green Ferus, Sohee, Verit Tidals
Accessories - 2x Nimble Glove for Precasts Acolyte Rosary
PvP Gears
Upper Headgear - F-Beret
Middle Headgear - Masquerade or Sunglasses[1] With vanberk or Incubus
Lower Headgear - Gangster Mask
Armors - Valk Armor(s) Evil Druid and Marc, if you don't have a Valk armor take Saint's Robes, 1x Evil Druid and 1x Marc.
Weapon - Double Bloody Boned Chain, Double Bloody Stunner
Shield - Cranial Valk Shield
Garment - Immune Wool Scarf
Shoes - Green Ferus or Sohee Tidals
Accessories - 2x Nimble Glove
How to play Champ in WoE
Your task in WoE will be to take out important or dangerous characters. For example:
Fighting a good champ means spam absorb on him like no tomorrow, walk always next to him or almost into him so he cant absorb you and you can kill him. if he snapped away - DONT WALK TOO CLOSE TO WALLS HE COULD NINJA YOU (frill card)
If you use Pneuma the creator already lost because he cant damage you anymore, ALWAYS USE RUWACH THEY MIGHT HIDE UR ASURA
Sinxes = perm ruwach, they might 1-shot you but thats not going to happen because sinxes are nerfed they are still dangerous because a double-sb can kill you
If the proffessor uses wof + sw just ignore him, but if hes busy dispelling your guildmates kill him if hes not standing in a sw - PUT A PNEUMA ON HIM SO HE WONT BE ABLE TO SW HIMSELF - ruwach on!
If the stalker is running away with chase walk just follow the footsteps and kill him when hes out of chase walk
How to play Champ in PvP
As already stated above - your mainskills are PPS,TSS,Invest,Absorb,Zen and snap. to succeed in pvp you should use endow because there are many gr's nowadays and gloom boxes and green pots because silence would kill you if you wouldnt have green pots - also a few sp items would make it easier for you if you want to leave the room and dont have any sp left so you can just warp urself out
Lord Knight - Spiral
spiral Lord knight usually got high vit and just use spear stab / magnum break spiral combo on you so be sure to snap back into your pneuma so you wont get hit by spiral
If he's spiral build just pneuma yourself, 1x PPS and TSS him, when he's running away do a pneuma FIRST then snap into it and TSS him again till he's dead. If he's using berserk just blade stop him and wait till he relogs
Lord Knight - Bowling Bash
bowling bash lord knights usually got around 70 vit so use invest. also they just spam bb on you so you have to snap way and decrease agi them
if they are using bash snap away the chance to stun is way too high avoid that the stun-bb tactic can easily kill you
If you're up against a good Bowling Bash lk you can only win if you decrease agi him and PPS spam him till hes going berserk then just blade stop
Assasin Cross - 99 Agi
usually they just melee or sb you be sure to blade stop them when they melee you and the only way to hit them is occult if theyve got like 300 agi
PPS spam till he drops - TSS when you used 2x PPS
Assasin Cross - Sonic Blow
they usually cloak next to you and sb you so ruwach-snap around and find them. decrease agi and follow them with PPS and TSS
PPS spam him so he cant use sonic blow when he got pushed 6 cells away use TSS
If the Sinx is linked and using edp you have to use asura to kill him, else he'll kill you
Assasin Cross - Soul Breaker
they are most of their time cloaking so ruwach-snap around - find them - decreaese agi them and pps them
pneuma yourself and TSS him. If he's cloaking use ruwach and do a pneuma-walk when he used sbk snap next to him and PPS him + TSS
AVOID THE TRAPS they kill you, especially sandman,ankle snare and shockwave trap. they push the traps with arrow shower so when you see a trap next to you snap away so they wont get u into their traps
pneuma yourself, decrease agi the sniper, TSS him. If he's hiding level 5 TSS use level 3 TSS till he dropped.
If a level 5 TSS hitted snap next to him and use invest and he'll drop
Sniper - Falcon Assault / trap
AVOID THE TRAPS they kill you, especially sandman,ankle snare and shockwave trap. they push the traps with arrow shower so when you see a trap next to you snap away so they wont get u into their traps
pneuma yourself and use TSS. the sniper will have high vit. do a pneuma next to him - invest him till he'll die
High Priest
they run when you PPS them - or they just stand in their corner and in their SW - PPS them and snap into them before the push-effect of PPS was there and voila. the hp got pushed out of his sw 8D
decrease agi - PPS him into a corner and pneuma him so he cant use Safety wall if youre fighting a good hp you cant kill him without asura
High Wizard
they quag or just jt spam you wear a dokebi armor if you can so their jt will do crap damage when they cast sg swap to unfrozen and snap out of the sh
snap next to him, PPS him and use TSS - they dont have much HP and
usually they just go after you and want to ct you so keep them away from urself
snap away from him - use TSS until he dies if you're next to him you might stun and die we don't want to die rite?
Paladin - Rapid Smithing
spams rapid smithing on you and follows you
pneuma yourself, PPS and invest him, if he doesnt have defender use TSS instead of invest
Paladin - Matyr's Reckoning
they are going after you with having MR on so dont let them get closer decrease agi and tss them if they dont have defender
blade stop + investigate repeat this until he's dead
Paladin - Support / Devo
they cant be killed easily because they'll spam pressure on you which means -2000 hp and lots of ur sp
investigate is the only way you can kill them
Stalker - Bowling Bash
almost the same like Lord knights but if you decrease them their aspd wont be lowered that much so they are really really dangerous - also strip kills you
PPS and TSS - dont let them come too near and dont let them get off too many times bowling bash else ure dead
Stalker - Caster Type
its the same as wizard - use dokebi and keep them away from you to avoid strip they dun have that much vit
PPS and TSS dont let them get off too many jt's else ull b dead
Clown / Gypsy
If they are Arrow Vulcan just pneuma yourslef and TSS them. if they are not Arrow Vulcan build PPS and Invest them
if you're fighting a good champ be sure to absorb him all the time when he used zen else PPS spam him and get after 2PPS spheres and use TSS
if he's running decrease agi him and snap after him and TSS him also use occult when you think he got high vit
Professor - Bolter Prof
basically they just bolt/ WoF themselves and SW themselves - use their WoF for yourself and pps them out of it and TSS them
snap next to him and PPS spam him - if he got a hp as support just asura him else you can't kill him
Professor - Support
snap next to him PPS him and when he's not using Wall of Fog TSS him
PPS is your MAINSKILL against them dispell spam kills you so you can swap to invest but always try to use PPS
Creator - Homunc
basically the creo just hides and let the homunc do his work
2x Invest the homunc and it'll be dead then just PPS the creator until the homunc is ressed and repeat that until the creator is dead
Creator - Homunc + AD
asura the creo. no other chance to survive / kill him
can't kill the ninja with ciccada thingie - just ignore them they dont do damage anyways except final strike which can be blocked by pneuma
Soul Linker
PPS spam them and TSS until they are dead - THEY CANT DO DAMAGE
Super Novice
1x TSS and they are dead if not 2x PPS and TSS that should kill them
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